Most Popular Games of 2021

Apr 18


Jack Mathew

Jack Mathew

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Discover the gaming sensations that captivated players worldwide in 2021. As the pandemic continued to influence daily life, video games provided a crucial escape for many, leading to significant shifts in gaming trends and preferences. This article delves into the top games of the year, exploring their unique features and the reasons behind their popularity.

The Rise of Gaming in 2021

The year 2021 saw an unprecedented surge in the gaming industry,Most Popular Games of 2021 Articles with millions turning to video games as a primary source of entertainment during extended periods at home. According to a report by the NPD Group, video game sales in the United States alone reached a record $56.9 billion in 2021, an increase of 27% from the previous year. This boom was not just in terms of revenue but also in the diversity of the gaming audience and the types of games that saw increased popularity.

Exploring the Top Games

Here’s a closer look at the games that defined 2021, offering a mix of genres and experiences that appealed to a broad audience:

  1. Roblox: More than just a game, Roblox is a platform that allows users to create and share their own games. It reported over 202 million monthly active users in April 2021, according to Backlinko. The platform uses a virtual currency called Robux, allowing players to purchase in-game upgrades or cosmetic items.

  2. Minecraft: This sandbox game from Mojang Studios continued to build its legacy by allowing players to construct and explore their own worlds. Minecraft sold over 200 million copies worldwide, with a significant number of active monthly users engaging in both its Survival and Creative modes.

  3. Apex Legends: A standout in the battle royale genre, Apex Legends is known for its fast-paced gameplay and deep character customization. In 2021, it expanded its reach by launching on the Nintendo Switch and teased a mobile version set to capture a significant share of the mobile gaming market.

  4. Fortnite: Epic Games’ Fortnite remained a cultural phenomenon, combining battle royale style combat with a unique building mechanic. The game’s innovative in-game events and collaborations with popular franchises kept its player base engaged and growing.

  5. CS: GO: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS: GO) continued to dominate the esports scene with its competitive gameplay. According to Esports Earnings, CS: GO tournaments awarded over $17 million in prize money across various events in 2021.

  6. Hearthstone: Blizzard Entertainment’s digital card game is known for its strategic depth. The game’s regular updates and expansions in 2021 helped maintain a dedicated player base, interested in exploring new decks and strategies.

  7. League of Legends: One of the most played games in the world, League of Legends is a staple in competitive gaming. Its developer, Riot Games, reported that the game regularly sees over 115 million monthly players worldwide.

  8. Call of Duty Mobile: This mobile iteration of the popular Call of Duty franchise reached over 500 million downloads by mid-2021, offering classic Call of Duty gameplay on the go.

  9. Among Us: Initially released in 2018, Among Us found viral success in 2020 and continued to be immensely popular in 2021. The game’s simple yet engaging gameplay made it a favorite for social play and streaming.

  10. Call of Duty Warzone: Launched in March 2020, Warzone has quickly become one of the leading titles in the battle royale genre. With new modes and frequent updates, it kept players engaged throughout 2021.


The games listed above not only highlight the varied interests of gamers but also underscore the gaming industry's ability to adapt and thrive in a rapidly changing world. Whether through immersive worlds, competitive arenas, or social deductions, these games provided something for everyone in 2021.

For more insights into the gaming industry and detailed game reviews, visit authoritative sources like IGN and GameSpot.