The importance of setting goals when you start your own business will be essential to determine whether the company you run succeeds or fails. The same goes for athletes, people who are successful in business and any other person who has reached the top of their field. In all the efforts you'll find that setting goals was instrumental in their success.
Anthony Ricigliano – The Things Google has Been Telling SEO’s for a Long Time
If the latest updates from Google suddenly strengthened the status of certain practices that are considered profane, practices that they support are available to the public for many years. In truth, Google has been speaking out against a black hat SEO practice for years, but the validity of the will be more difficult.Anthony Ricigliano — A Nuclear Pandora's Box in Japan
A commission of industry experts in Japan has determined that the damage to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, in which reactors melted down and released radiation into the surrounding areas, was the result of the earthquake and not due solely to the tsunami that followed.Anthony Ricigliano — Mitigating Disaster
A recent study released in the journal "Nature Climate Change" is stating that sea levels will continue to rise due to the melting of glaciers and ice at the polar caps as well as a situation that has received little attention in public discourse about global warming.