Whether you work in an office, cubicle, or your favorite coffee shop, your environment influences your productivity. This article from Kevin Eikenberry offers some questions to consider about your work space and some suggestions you can implement to make your work environment as productive as possible.
Everyone reading these words has a place where they work. And most of you have a place where you work best. The goal of this article is to help you make sure those places are the same.
As a business owner, I have more degrees of freedom to consciously create a space that works for myself and my team (here`s a piece that talks about why our offices are in a house and why we call it Remarkable House).
So, if you work in a cubicle or office provided by your employer, you might think you can dismiss this article and move on to something else.
All of the questions and advice below applies to you regardless of your working situation. And, as more work becomes more virtual and more fluid, people have more and more control on their working environment.
To get you thinking about the linkage between location and productivity, let`s start with some questions. Get out you notepad or your journal and answer these questions on paper. The answers are important enough for you to invest time in thinking on paper.
In what situations/spaces/environments do you feel most personally productive?
If your current working location isn`t in this list, what keeps it from making that list?
What kind of space do you seek out if you can work wherever you wish?
How much of your time do you work in places where you feel productive?
What could you do immediately (in less than a week) to improve or change your environment, based on your answers to these questions?
Your Now StepsTime spent thinking about those questions is important. Taking action on your answers is more important. Here are some steps to take, based on your answers above.
If you work virtually, asking yourself these questions, and taking these actions is vitally important to your success. In fact, taking your working environment seriously could be the most important thing you do to improve your results, both emotionally and financially.
And to everyone: underestimate this at your own peril.
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