Movers - Prepare for Relocation the Right Way
Planning to relocate can be tough. Yet when the movers come, having many details taken care of can make the transition much smoother.
You can never be too prepared when it comes to relocating. That's why in order to have an easy day,

be sure to handle a number of issues before the movers show up in your driveway. As a result, you'll have better peace of mind that everything will go as planned and you'll be comfortable in your new home in no time.
Get a sitter
With so much going on the day you get ready to relocate your things, you don't want to have to be concerned about your little ones. Kids can easily get lost, or drift out of the house since the doors will be open most of the time. To keep stress at a minimum, it's a good idea to hire a sitter to watch your kids while you're taking care of your relocation. This way, you can rest easy that your child is safe. Furthermore, you may want to even consider boarding your pets to ensure they don't get lost in the shuffle either.
Have cash
If you need to pay the movers once the job is done or plan to tip, it's a good idea to already have cash in hand. Many people are so busy running around trying to deal with all the things going on during the relocation process that simple issues will simply slip through the cracks. Having cash will make it easier to pay the workers, and you won't have to be concerned about leaving people at your home while you run to the ATM.
Another important factor to keep in mind is you either need to have the movers pack or make sure you're already packed ahead of time. Many people underestimate the importance of having everything packed up and ready to go. This way, the workers can get in, get out and you can be relocated. Having things half done can really put a damper on the entire process.
Be available
This may seem like a strange thing to consider, yet so many people get so busy with their relocation that they forget that someone may be trying to get in touch with him or her. If so, then cell phones need to be turned on and charged. If possible, clip it to your hip so you don't get distracted and leave it somewhere. This way, during the hustle and bustle of the process and you have movers throughout your home, you'll be accessible.