4 Reasons to Become a Better Learner to the Near Future

Aug 5


Filipe Barbieri

Filipe Barbieri

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Introduction What the future could surely demand from us? How can we know if we are prepared for it? Are you? This article will discern reasons and thoughts about the aspects that can affect our way to a future less uncertain, over challenging and intriguing, but more harmonic, peaceful and manageable. The rationale here is to foment a reflection, by showing brief facts and trends of our current society in the second decade of 21st century, and internalize the necessity to learn better.

#1 Shorter free-time Too much work-hours

In order to accomplish our needs in life,4 Reasons to Become a Better Learner to the Near Future Articles some money is indispensable. That inconvenient truth, stepping aside Al Gore, may be uncomfortable, but it is intrinsic to the progress of our society that most humans have developed it over the years.

So, the obligation to work arrives at some time and to almost everyone. It really comes, and comes hard. As Maslow stated, the first two bases of his famous pyramid of needs consist of physiological necessities and safety goals. The bigger piece of our earnings is for these bases, by guaranteeing food, home, health, and transportation. They are the first objectives to be accomplished, as the most neglected once settled.

Work consumes big time, like one-third to a half of our day. Fortunate are the people who work with pleasure to be able to say that they even do not work at all. However, that is not the majority, as we know well. The operational and boring jobs are vastly numerous and are offered to everybody, those jobs require only time, and none or some expertise.

After settling the first two bases, we usually go for some emotional or superfluous needs: affiliation. This one can be awkward. It consists of the things we pay to become closer to someone we care about. Also, and sadly, can be another thing exemplified as the famous thought of spending the money we do not have on things we do not need to impress someone we even do not appreciate or know much.

All of that, the many work-hours along with money expended indiscreetly, can lead to financial disorganization and even more work to be subordinate, with extra hours or another job.

Now and just now

One major derivative of our work and necessities is credit. The immediacy of having things now can disrupt your budget in the long-run. Watch out for the financing of houses, cars, furnishings, and even college education. The villain here, as you may have imagined, is the interest on installments.

This virus to our financial lives is directly associate with shorter times we have to get things done and quickly. What can we do to try to battle it? Something people these days usually do not have: patience and long-run goals. Even the author here can agree with that other inconvenient truth, but it is necessary to be aware of it, at least.

By working or taking work to home, you – among other things – lose time to improve yourself. The time that you, instead, would avail to study and become better to manage your responsibilities and skills.

#2 More distractions

Assure a harmonic future requires some dedication and discipline today for studying and learning, we all know that. However, many distractions may happen, even though they could be part of our lives in some level.


Is having a team to cheer, a participant of a reality show to choose or a celeb to follow a waste of time? It depends on how important to your life is to have them. Can brings us emotions and meanings? Actually, yes, but there is a limit. The problem is this limit that most of the people break. How much time in a day do you spend on those media distractions? How many times did you discuss one of them? How intense was this discussion? Did it bring you joy at the end of the day?

A lot of questions to poke us in this topic, apologies for that. I try to think on them when I found myself going for the limits, and these limits only you can establish.


Beautiful, functional and meaningful. The three pillars of a good design, accordingly to the master of marketing, Phillip Kotler. Technology these days elevate those pillars to the maximum. Devices, gadgets, apps and games once surprisingly needed when created and marketable.

Is technology really necessary in our daily lives? It depends on. Actually, this answer is good to almost all questions. And “almost” is always a word to have very caution. Even though “always” you should never say. So what about saying “you should” to your reader? Ok, I stopped – just a quick self-criticism.

The solutions of technology and its algorithms provide easy requests, broader interactions, and outstanding entertainment. They can reduce relationship distances, cheapen services, integrate functionalities, and so on.

That said, where the distraction problem enters? When you become fascinated about some technology and no longer give yourself the time to enjoy a good book, article or studying session. Exemplifying many technologies would be extremely hard and tiresome for you and me, but I am sure you can insert this thought in your routine.

Social Procrastination

The major villain of productivity: social networks. The easiest and fastest way to distract you from your to-do things. Social networks are up and running in your smartphone, your browser and, nowadays, in your smartwatch as well.

Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, and others. They associate perfectly with the previous distractions stated here, because these apps and websites make easier to follow and stay tuned about popular media news, sports, celebs and reality shows, as they also represent the state-of-art in design that keep you dazzled.

The key here is to stipulate, in a timer, the amount of time dedicated to social networks. You will be, ironically, surprised about how little you refresh and scroll those interfaces of distraction.

#3 Harder information Shoulder over shoulder

The deepening of disciplines and education is highly associate with the human curiosity that expands the borders of knowledge. The things we know or have to know nowadays is an effect of someone’s questions in the past. Their tests and answers standardized knowledge, while open it, at the same time, to new questioning.

Doctor David C. McClelland stated that a person has three major motivations to their performance in work or social circles. Here they are:

  • Power to influence and manage people;
  • Achievement to make better and stand out,
  • Affiliation to establish and to maintain friendly relations with other people.

These motivations represent the path that human nature takes in order to go further.

Subsequent ones to the generation who have excelled in their fields find an even more challenging road to reach success. Along with that, we have changes in scientific paradigms that can lead to a completely new way of thinking. Karl Popper defines “falsifiability” as criteria to any scientific theory or even discovery. Every approach and thinking are submitted to possibly new discoveries that falsify the previous one.

The generation, which today have to learn all the previous knowledge documented, may have to be also aware that they need to go deeper or forward in their fields in order to achieve more and keep up with new paradigms.

Opposite forces

Another perspective of the recurrent and harder information of nowadays is the dialectic of Hegel. The deepening of theories happens each time a new synthesis is formed by themerge of a thesis and an antithesis.  Let me clarify: a thesis is a position of knowledge backed by researches and experiments, it consists of various arguments and facts that try to prove a statement; so, an antithesis is the counter-proof, which is backed by other researches worked to reject the previous statement.

The brilliant conclusion of the Hegel’s dialectic is that an entire synthesis can be just another thesis passive of being confronted with increasingly new facts, researches or arguments. So, this process reaches closer and closer to the truth, or, at least, generates a temporary relief of it.

To finish this topic, one of the thoughts of Voltaire – which states that the doubt is an unpleasant condition while the certainty is absurd – can be a mantra to develop complex disciplines and be prepared to the near manageable future.

#4 Incessant innovations Origins

By looking back to every past year or decades, we see innovations in many products or services to the markets.  As Schumpeter said: “The capitalism destroys the old and creates the new”.

That vision can be applied to big proportions, like the invention of electricity or the computer, by transforming an entire system of energy, communication and information. Alternatively, it can be visualized in smaller and more dynamic proportions, like app-based credit cards and app-driven urban transportation, by bothering the banking system and taxi unions, respectively. That phenomenon is a result of the incessant need to new markets by whom invests in structure and knowledge to crave new profits sources.

Innovations came to reduce costs, amplify services and increase usability. Therefore, every innovative product or service requires adaptation and rethinking about our mindset on things. That process can take time and discomfort, which Jean Piaget callsaccommodation – an individual barrier of knowledge and learning – that have to be avoided.


People create or develop in order to be recognized as well. This motivation is the one of the primary forces to constant innovations in our society.

“To be is to be perceived”, said George Berkeley in a religious background. However, if we borrow this thought and apply it to the force of innovation, it can actually explain why there is a perception of pleased existence once we receive a congratulation, award, compliment or even a purchase. That sentiment is strong and affects substantially most of the creative and hard-working individuals.

Recognition can be difficult. Still, some questions must be raised firstly. For whom or what are you intended to get that perception? Is it relevant to your personal world? Is it grateful to you personally? Is someone or somewhere that you care about? Indeed, many get recognition without having thought about that, they just went for the motivation to be known, or, at least, to pay the bills. But okay.

On the other hand, a work can be done to feel self-realization. The recognition matter is the fourth need of the Maslow pyramid, but we already thought about it. The final of this article is to think about what can enlighten yourself from within – this is the fifth and last need, the self-realization goal.

That goal, I think, is the result of what Lawrence Kohlberg called the utmost moral stage, which is when someone is the own judge of its moral conduct, based on its own conscious and universal principles of liberty and happiness. Self-realization is sought only for yourself and no matter the external rewards; what was done, it was for the heart and spirit.

Social business and charity have been increasing because of that, the people responsible for those ventures seek no more than the internal enlightenment. This closes the need to learn better and more than they did, in order to all of us to have an incredible future.


The shorter time that too many work-hours give us summed with increasingly more distractions affects directly our time to study and practice a skill. Furthermore, the harder information associated with incessant innovations represents a challenge to be overcome, and a proved way to continue developing the human nature and society.

This article does not have the answers to solve those issues, nor the details of each. However, I hope that you have had the inner look to yourself and your environment, which is enough for the purpose of the topics. Thank you for reading!

Final Considerations

The true true? I wrote this article with the purpose to publish it to various websites and get external links to my own – something search engines like in order to permit higher ranks in the searches and what many others authors are also doing. I will publish it in my website as well.

However, when I started writing it, I became lively and philosophical because of the intended contents. Any article with superficial content would serve to the purpose of external links, but I was not capable of writing it in a poorly way, I did my best considering the time people give to read a 2,000 words article on internet.

I am not a skilled writer as I am still developing the skills, but I enjoyed the experience. It is an absolute way to internalize what you know and want to express. I do not have any artist skills, but writing is surely something to keep and develop. Thanks a lot for reading this far.

By the way, and yeah, with still some embarrassment, I will not miss the opportunity to let search engines and you, my fellow reader, see my eBook store, which is the A Better Learner eBook. Its free sample is here, take a look! See you.