The Many Benefits of a Tutor
A tutor can make the difference between your child failing or succeeding in school and it's never too late for academic help.
It's a competitive world out there and sometimes the only edge you have is your education. In fact studies have proven that a higher education is the only way out of poverty for most Americans who are born into it. The ideal of the American Dream is just that- a dream. In reality it doesn't matter how hard you work,

how much you sacrifice or how good of a person you are- when it comes down to escaping a social economic status such as poverty- the only ticket out is a college education.
And that can be an impossible goal for many of the kids who are in overcrowded, crime ridden and dangerously run schools. The schools that need to help kids the most- the inner city schools- get the least amount of federal funding and draw the most inexperienced teachers where experience counts the most. It is these schools that are failing America's youth and making the American Dream for better life impossibility for way to many kids.
According to a recent CNN report seven thousand high school students drop out of school every day in America. Many simply lack the ability to catch up or keep up and opt to drop out of school because the schools have already failed them.
A tutor can often make the difference between becoming part of this alarming statistic or becoming part of the numbers of college bound students who have dreams and aspirations and the ability in succeeding in their goals.
It is never too early or too late to have a tutor for your child. Students as young as first grade can benefit from the needed one on one help of a tutor to help build a foundation as a solid scholar and students who are on the verge of dropping out can be pulled back from the brink of despair with the help and expertise of an expert in the area they are struggling in.
A tutor doesn't have to be a teacher to teach. They simply need to have the skills to explain things clearly and patiently, and have knowledge in the subject area itself. This means an advanced student can often teach someone at a lower level and relate to them as a peer as well as a mentor.
When you're looking for a qualified tutor, look for someone your child and you are both comfortable with and either have them come to your home or have them meet some place public like a coffee shop or a public library for their sessions. It may take a few sessions to know if it's a good fit or not and it's important to remember that if a student is not willing to learn or do the work, no one can force it, but sometimes a mentor can make the learning process more enjoyable and that may trigger a willingness to hit the books and pull out of an academic nosedive.