An Accountant's Independent Duties
An accountant is charged with the duty of the preparation, evaluation and audit of a person, company, or enterprise's financial statements. They can provide their services on a quarterly or annual basis in order to determine the solvency and risk of financial investment in or with that individual or company in the future.
There are over 12 classifications of accountant that allows these certified professionals the ability to help individuals,

organizations, and enterprises keep financial records, inspect those records and provide independent audits as well. These documents include financial statement for company decision-making process, including investing and tax reports.
Their profession provides assistance with assurance, consulting, information technology, tax, and finance to name a few areas. These five areas possess the commonality of record-keeping, annual presentation of financial documents, debits and credits, forecasting and revenue recognition among many other financial reporting stipulations. Overall, an independent professional of this kind provides his or her opinions on the accuracy of financial documents according to company performance measurements, corporate governance, and legal standards. They also provide public attestation on the financial statements that they review each year, which includes the process of auditing. Auditing is an evaluation of the validity of a person, organization, or enterprise's financial statements.
An accountant is able to provide evidence of the company's financial status as well as audit the truth of such statements because they are independent of any benefit or consequence of those statements. They simply provide the benefit of their education, certification, and experience of the the current national and international economy as it relates to the finances of the individual or company they serve, on a quarterly or annual basis.
As far as companies are concerned, an independent accountant does not work for the company they are assisting; therefore, they are able to provide an unbiased evaluation of the company data they review. After all, they understand that many people are relying on their competent opinions to affect the decision makers of and for the company. They essentially provide a risk assessment to the decision-makers as to whether they should stabilize, retreat, or grow with company investments in the future.
This brings us to consulting. This process is what an individual or company can use to stay abreast of its financial data throughout its recording year instead of all at once. Consulting is useful for handling the accuracy of company business or personal finances for legitimacy and security. This is also helpful with business continuity planning, which is a wise determinate for investing in the future.
In summation, an accountant can help you or your business with staying financially responsible. They can help with reporting, analysis, document completion, licensure, taxes, and staff preparedness throughout the year. That is, in order to best assess risk, you have to illuminate room for inaccuracies throughout your recording process before an audit.