5 Risks Of Dental Implants Every Patient Should Know
Dental implants are gaining popularity among patients and dentists as one of the most effective ways to improve smiles damaged by missing teeth. The procedure is intensive and does have certain risks.
There are several risks involved when undergoing a procedure to place dental implants. While most complications,

especially those that are more severe are quite rare; patients still need to exercise caution. Many risks are the results of poor techniques or lazy work, such as taking shortcuts to avoid a bone graft. One of the best safeguards against these practices is to carefully research dentists. Training courses are offered, but not required in order for a licensed dentist to perform this procedure on a patient. It is highly advisable to seek a professional who has received specialized training and regularly updates their skills. Here are five of the most common risks associated with this procedure.
1. Lack of Bone Support
When dental implants are placed in the jaw, they require a certain amount of underlying bone support in order for durability as well as overall health and safety. If there is no adequate bone where they have been placed, there can be a problem with the bite, they can shift and cause damage to surrounding tissue, and they can cause great physical discomfort. When a patient doesn't have the proper amount of bone, it is crucial for the dentist to first perform a bone graft procedure to avoid potential problems.
2. Nerve Damage
Dental implants that are placed in the lower jaw risk hitting the long nerves that can run close to the surface in some patients. If these are damaged, it could cause permanent medical problems including numbness, pain through the gums, lips, or chin, and in severe cases can even result in chronic drooling from the mouth. To help prevent this risk, dentists should run careful imaging of the bone in order to precisely map out the nerves.
3. Sinus Pain
Upper jaw dental implants come fraught with dangers as well. These are often located very close to the sinus cavity. Drilling at the wrong angle or too deeply can disrupt the cavity, which will not only cause tooth problems but can impinge breathing as well. Infection is also a common symptom of improper placement. As with nerve damage, careful imaging of the oral cavity before placement is vital.
4. Poorly Made
A well-made implant will blend seamlessly in with the other teeth and not take away anything from a patient's smile, but rather enhance it. They have sheen and appear smooth and polished. A poorly constructed implant, however, will be glaringly obvious. It may appear bulky, lopsided, discolored, too large or too small. Another common problem is a dull color or those that are quick to stain.
5. Misalignment
An implant must be placed extremely carefully in order to match up correctly with the other teeth as well as create a natural and comfortable bite for the patient. If misaligned, the implant will cause pain, difficulty chewing and biting, or may cause damage such as chipping or cracking. Sometimes if it was placed too loosely or without enough bone support, over the years it will become knocked out of its proper place. Realignment can help fix the issue.