A Dermatologist Addresses Certain Skin Conditions
A board certified dermatologist is an excellent choice for analyzing the health of a person's skin. Medical dermatology, cosmetic dermatology, and surgery are available to address skin problems a person might have.
When you are trying to choose a physician that it right for you to address a skin condition,

it is best to research the matter before making a decision. A dermatologist specializes in the treatment of the largest organ of the body, the human skin. They treat healthy and normal skin as well as disorders of the skin such as psoriasis, rashes, unusual moles, rosacea, acne, and eczema. These doctors are also well trained in the area of cosmetics procedures and often treat conditions such as stretch marks, hair removal, wrinkles, and acne scarring. In the area of medical dermatology, a dermatologist can conduct cancer screenings to check to see if a person has skin cancers such as: • Basal Cell Carcinoma - this is one of the most common types of skin cancer that is caused when a person is exposed to the sun over a long period of time. This form of cancer can resemble eczema or psoriasis. • Actinic Keratosis - This skin cancer usually occurs on the areas of the body that have experience the most sun exposure. A persons usually develops small crumbly or scaly, crusty bumps, or horns. • Squamous Cell Carcinoma - this is the 2nd most common type of skin cancer and usually appears as scaly, rough, thick patches that bleed easily. • Melanoma - This is the most serious kind of skin cancer. However, if you get an early diagnosis and it is removed right away, it is almost 100 percent curable. It is very important to see a dermatologist right away if you suspect you may have a skin condition that resembles any of the types of skin cancers. As stated, many people with skin cancer often take on the symptoms that are similar to the non-cancerous skin conditions. You can visit a board certified skin doctor to learn of the many cosmetic dermatology procedures they offer. Take for instance the very popular BOTOX treatment that many people use to address problems such as laugh lines, crow's feet, worry lines on forehead, and wrinkles. Many people develop these skin conditions as a result of signs of emotions that develop overtime when we are surprised, angry, sad, and laugh. BOTOX is a cosmetic procedure that provides a person with visible improvement that will result in fewer wrinkles and significantly smoother skin. Additional cosmetic dermatology procedures include: • Rosacea Treatments • Juvederm • Laser for Vascular Birth Marks • Age spot/sunspot removal • Chemical peels • Treatment of Skin Discoloration • Removal of tags and growths, and age related brown spots • Eyelash Hypotrichosis treatment • Large pore treatment • Facial and leg vein removal • Male pattern baldness treatment Whether you need to get an unusual mole analyzed, or you want a cosmetic procedure such as Botox, or need a surgical procedure done, a board certified dermatologist will provide you with the best solution to address your problem. Call and find out about the additional services they offer or you can call to schedule an appointment.