Are You Considering Breast Augmentation?
Breast augmentation is the most highly sought after cosmetic procedure by women. Many women are tired of relying on expensive padded bras and useless pills only to remain flat chested.
Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery procedure in which a surgeon uses breast implants to enhance the shape and size of breasts. In addition to implants,

the surgeon also uses fat grafts to change the contour of the breasts. Breast enhancement can be used to correct the appearance of sagging, and flat breast and change them into a pair of full firm and perky breasts. Depending on the goals of the patient and surgeon, different sized implants can be used to achieve the desired results. During the procedure, the surgeon takes an empty breast implant sac and places it into the desired location in the breast. Usually a small incision is made and the surgeon repositions the fat deposits to make room for the implant. The implant is then folded and pushed into the cavity. The surgeon then fills the implant with saline with a syringe type instrument. The implant starts to expand and unfold until it is filled and has reached it proper shape. The incisions will then be stitched closed. The incisions are small and as the patient heals, become unnoticeable. In the majority of the breast augmentation surgeries, saline implants are used. This is because they are much safer for the body. When it comes to the results, there are not any other materials that will give the best size, shape and realistic feel like saline implants. Women who have an ample amount of breast tissue, saline implants are the implant of choice and are highly recommended. Saline breast implants have been used in millions of breast augmentation surgeries since 1964. It has been deemed completely safe by the FDA. Women who are getting breast augmentation should be sure to note that if there is not enough breast tissue due to having very small breast size or from having a mastectomy, then the saline implants may not be the best materials to use for your breasts enhancements. Your surgeon may inform you about silicone implants. This type of implant has a lower risk of producing rippling and indentation in the skin and also the appearance and feeling of realness is more likely to be present. Silicone implants are also used to make prosthetic breasts for patients that have had a mastectomy. In addition to the saline and silicone types of breast implants, there is also the alternative composition implant. The alternative composition implant is filled with fillers such as polypropylene, soy oil and other miscellaneous materials. Due to the high risk of rupture and the toxic nature of the fillers, this type of implant has been pulled from the markets and is no longer used in the United States. Breast augmentation is a safe procedure that millions of women resort to increase the size of their breast. There are many different reasons why they have made that choice, but the ultimate reason is because the women did not feel that their breast were an adequate size.