Best Hair Conditioners for Women
Read in this article about best hair conditioners for women.
Many women struggle with the problem of combing their hair every morning. Many a times,
the shine and luster of the hair is lost and the hair breaks easily. If the hair is dry, it looks very frizzy, dull and out of shape. However, if a good hair conditioner for women is selected, it can surely help in solving the problem. Given below are some good conditioners for women.
1. The best hair conditioner for women having dry hair is mayonnaise and avocado. For making this hair pack, ½ avocado and a very small bottle of mayonnaise is required. Two of them must be put in a bowl and must be mixed well. Then, it will get a green color. This mixture must be applied to the hair, starting from middle till the tips. Once this is done, the hair must be tied in a bun. A shower cap must be worn and this must be left for half an hour. If a woman is having long hair, deep conditioning is required. A warm and a damp towel must be put on the hair for letting it stay for 15 minutes. Then it must be washed off with a mild shampoo. One can surely notice the difference.
2. Eggs are very rich in proteins. This is precisely what makes up the beautiful hair. Egg is the best hair conditioner for women having dry hair. The egg must be broken and the yolk must be taken out. Now, the yolk must be mixed with 2 spoons of castor oil. The mixture must be massaged in the hair and must be left till it will dry out. Raw egg surely smells bad. Hence, this must be washed with warm water. A mild shampoo can be used and hair must be allowed to dry naturally. A little baby oil or olive oil can also be added. However, if a woman is allergic to eggs, she must not use it.
3. A very good hair conditioner for women having dry hair is beer. Beer works nicely in the restoration of lost smoothness and shine of the hair. Beer should be removed from the refrigerator and must be kept outside till it will reach the room temperature. First, the hair must be washed as per the regular procedure. Once washing the hair is done, the beer should be poured on the hair generously.
Thus, choosing the best conditioners for hair is very essential.