Breast Augmentation: A Car Safety Feature?
Breast augmentation is a way of improving the size and appearance of the bust but it can also help save a person in a car accident by cushioning the impact according to one young woman.
Car accidents can be brutal and they will occasionally cause serious damage. Over the years many different safety features have been developed to reduce the injuries people suffer as a result of being in a collision. First seatbelts came on the scene and offered people an opportunity not to be flung around the cabin or launched through the windshield. Later shoulder belts were added to keep a person against their seat and reduce whiplash. Down the line someone invented airbags that instantly deploy upon impact. A new safety feature was recently put to the test however when a woman with size 38KKK breast augmentation was in a car accident in which her extensive cosmetic surgery actually cushioned her impact.

while driving in the rain and dark she was coming around a bend and had been on a cocktail of pain killers for depression and also for the discomfort she experienced from her record breaking breast augmentation. She lost control of her vehicle and wound up colliding with a tree before panicking and reversing her car into another tree. She was arrested for a DUI because her drugs impaired her but she had not been drinking. The real remarkable part of her story is that this woman claims that it was her incredible bust that saved her. She claims that when her airbags did not go off she was kept from injury by her implants absorbing her impact with the steering wheel.
What may seem like an incredible feat it is not unheard of. The material a breast augmentation is made of is incredibly durable and can withstand a fair amount of abuse before being damaged. She and many other women who have undergone breast augmentation say that they have increased confidence and more self-esteem as a result of having their surgeries. They feel that they are a part of them now and that without them they would be without a part of themselves.
While it is unlikely and uncommon for a breast augmentation to save a persons life it is not the first time. In the past women have discovered potentially fatal cancers and other serious health concerns because they decided to go under the knife. The young lady in the car accident can thank her decision to fulfill her goals for the fact that she did not suffer what could have been more serious injuries.