A technique used in laser surgery where a it dissolves molecular bonds is known as laser resurfacing. This technique is used to treat acne scars, spider veins, wrinkles, brown spots, age spots, stretch marks and more.
Laser resurfacing is a great way to regain a more youthful appearance when things such as fine lines and wrinkles,

surgical spots, sun spots and more are taken away. With a revolutionary type of laser treatment called Fraxel, individuals can look more youthful in very little time at all. Fraxel is resurfacing that involves 3 essential components:
1. The skin that is built from the inside out by microscopic laser columns
2. Sub-layers of the skin called dermis include elastin and collagen
3. The epidermis of the skin which is the outer layer
Underneath the skin's epidermis lies elastin and collagen which are proteins that keep our skin tight and looking young. However, as we age and receive increased sun exposure, the proteins in our skin break down at a more rapid pace than the body is able to rebuild. When this happens, the skin begins to loose elasticity and sag in addition to showing signs of damage with spots, lines, or wrinkles. When a patient receives laser resurfacing combined with a liposuction procedure, it can help smooth and tighten over the new contours.
To help combat the signs of aging, the Fraxel laser treatment expedites the body's remodeling of elastin and collagen which results in fresher, younger looking, and tighter skin. The whole basis of the Fraxel laser treatment is creating new skin from the inside out. One of the key elements that makes the Fraxel treatment so great is the laser columns treat a fraction of the skin at a time and leaves the surrounding areas intact. This technique allows the body to heal the skin a lot faster than it would if the entire surface areas were treated at one time.
Individuals who are good candidates for Fraxel laser treatment are those who have wrinkles near the eyes, have sun damage, age spots and more. This treatment is the only laser treatment that has been approved to provide rejuvenating treatments such as the shrinking of large pores. Fraxel is the only laser approved to treat "the mask of pregnancy" (melasma), which is a condition associated with brown patches on face to include the nose, upper lip, forehead, and cheeks. This therapy can also treat the hands, chest and neck.
Those interested in the Fraxel laser resurfacing treatment should schedule an initial consultation with a doctor who will determine if the laser treatment plan is suited to meet your desired results. If you and your doctor determine Fraxel is right for you, your doctor will explain some important information to you. Some of the information you may receive from your doctor is usually one week before treatment includes discontinuing the use of products containing Retin A. The Day of treatment may involve:
• Your skin is thoroughly cleaned
• You'll receive a topical anesthetic ointment
• When the anesthetic is in full effect, treatment begins
• The treatment take between 20-25 minutes for the entire faced
• You'll receive a cold compress to sooth your skin
• You are applied with a SPR 30 moisturizer
During the consultation, your doctor will explain to you about the possibilities of sunburn sensation, swelling and redness you might get depending on the aggressiveness of the treatment. You will also be given information on how long you can return to your regular activities, how to protect your skin after treatment, and additional helpful information as it relates to your laser treatment.