Whether or not a patient smokes affects their general dentistry needs. Typically, smokers have far more dental problems than those who stay away from nicotine.
When a patient smokes cigarettes,

this will play a part in his or her general dentistry needs. Everyone knows that smoking tobacco products is detrimental to human health. In fact, these products even come with warning labels that prominently detail the negative health effects they will cause. Lung cancer and emphysema are diseases that are known to be more prevalent in smokers. Even secondhand smoke can create a variety of health complications. This habit is extremely detrimental to the teeth, gums, and mouth, causing many nicotine addicts to need far more than general dentistry. The ways that a nicotine habit can affect health are virtually endless.
Dental Diseases Associated with Cigarettes
Oral cancer, periodontal disease, leukoplakia, salivary gland infections, bone loss, and more occur in those who are hooked on cigarettes and cigars. Chewing tobacco has its own set of dastardly outcomes, too.
More Plaque
Plaque builds up on enamel, in crevices, and all over teeth. Tartar also thrives in the mouth of a person who habitually lights up. This is the stuff that dental hygienists work to scrub off during a general dentistry cleaning and exam. A smoker would need to have this performed even more often to stave off decay.
Decreased Ability to Smell
Smelling a bouquet of flowers, inhaling freshly ground coffee as it's brewing, taking a whiff of a baby's shampooed hair, or a chocolate cake in the oven will not be the pleasure it could be, as smoker's ability to smell is curtailed.
Loss of Taste
Tasting the subtle spice in a cup of Chai tea or the cinnamon in a slice of pumpkin bread will not be much of a thrill to those who opt for cigarettes over their ability to taste.
Bad Breath
Smokers' breath is notoriously bad; their clothes, hair, and house may smell gross, too. Because they don't smell well, they might not notice it until friends, relatives, and the dentist take an extra step back when speaking to them.
Stains and Discolorations
Smoking cigarettes is one of the lifestyle habits that notoriously creates the look of a yellow, dingy smile. Bleaching may help greatly but if the person doesn't give up the bad habit, that yucky appearance will return.
Oral Surgeries Heal Slower
Because this habit hampers a person's ability to heal, all oral surgeries will be a bit iffier for cigarette addicts. This includes wisdom teeth removal, root canals, dental implantation and more. To increase immunity, individuals who decide to quit will be on the road to health.
What to Do
If smokers want to quit, they may want to enlist the help of doctors, the patch or other helpful aids. If they refuse to give up this guilty pleasure, they should improve their chances by seeing docs and dentists more often to keep maladies at bay.
General dentistry concerns increase when a person is addicted to tobacco. Patients should make more frequent visits to their healthcare providers for cleanings and exams.