Gynecomastia Remediation: Facts About the Procedure
Gynecomastia is a condition that impacts the breasts. There are various treatment options for the condition.
Gynecomastia is a condition in which a man's chest appears to be enlarged. The condition can occur for a variety of reasons. The breasts might not be the same size. One might be larger than the other. Men may feel uncomfortable or self-conscious with larger breasts,
and seeking out an expert who is qualified in reduction procedures that are targeted to men could be a good solution to the issue. The issue is not limited to adult men, infants and pre-teens might also be impacted with gynecomastia. The condition, however, is most often treated when it occurs to men who have noticeably large breasts. Gynecomastia can resolve without any outside help, and it can also be treated with medication to treat hormonal problems. Men who have painful breasts should especially consider consulting with a doctor.
A mother might notice that her baby has gynecomastia. Because the condition is often traced back to a person having a large amount of the hormone estrogen in a person's system, babies who have high amounts of estrogen from the mother can have gynecomastia. The symptoms of the condition, however, disappear within a couple of weeks.
Boys who are in puberty can usually see symptoms subside within several months to up to two years, according to the Mayo Clinic. Although medication can be used to treat the symptoms, there are some medications that tend to cause the condition. Medication that helps to reduce anxiety, depression, or medications to treat cancer, and HIV can cause the condition. There are several specific medications that are known to result in enlarged breasts, and your doctor will discuss these complications. Be sure to ask your doctor questions regarding the condition, so you will know what to expect.
As men get older and their testosterone levels drop, they might have symptoms of the condition. People who do not get adequate nutrition might also have reduced testosterone that might result in enlarged breasts. Thyroid problems or kidney problems are also sometimes associated with it. Doctors will diagnose the problem, usually with x-rays and biopsies. The doctor might also conduct testicular ultrasounds to detect problems that could result in enlarged breasts. The doctor would want to rule out similar conditions that also result in enlarged breasts. Depending on the patient's age, the doctor could ask for the patient to relax and return after some time has passed to see if the issue resolves on its own. Older patients, who have the condition due to hormonal issues, however, might use some of the treatment options, because the problem might not resolve without treatment. The doctors could use liposuction to reduce the fat in the breast. Men who have the condition could have a mastectomy to eliminate both the fat and the actual breast glands. When choosing the procedure, you will need to discuss the recovery time and any complications that could be associated with the procedure.
For many men, the condition can cause them to feel less confident about their appearance. They do not wish to expose their chest area in public, and they try to hide their chests with clothing that will make the condition less obvious.