Hearing Center - Are You in a High Risk Group For Auditory Loss?
Any hearing center in the country can tell you that their primary demographic comes from older adults who are dealing with the natural aging process, which can lead to auditory impairment. However, it is important to know if you are in a high risk group for damage and loss.
Almost no one will be fortunate enough to live a full life without experiencing some degree of degradation in their senses. Any hearing center in the country can tell you that their primary demographic comes from older adults who are dealing with the natural aging process,

which can lead to auditory impairment. Sometimes the damage done is enough to warrant treatment or listening aids, while sometimes it is simply something the individual chooses to live and deal with naturally. However, it is important to know if you are in a high risk group for damage and loss.
Older Adults
Getting older can bring with it any number of age-related illnesses and impairments, auditory loss among them. If you are past the age of 60, you should visit a hearing center semi-regularly to get your ears checked. It isn't essential that you adopt a listening aid the first time your hearing drops below a previous level, but it is something to keep in mind. Weigh the pros and cons and watch out for signs of impairment in your every day life. If you're constantly needing to turn up the television or are having trouble listening to conversations, you could be ready for some assistance.
Premature Babies
When children are born premature or are of low birth weight, doctors know to look out for several risk factors, one of which is auditory impairment. This impairment may not be present at the moment of birth and even if it is, it can be difficult to get a certain reading even at the best hearing center or hospital. Doctors and pediatric experts advise paying close attention to the child's development over the first few months, and subjecting the child to several series of tests and screenings during that time.
Loud Volume Exposure
You may think that only those people who work with rock music are in danger of having their ears damaged, but the careers that promote loud volumes go well beyond that. If you work in or around airplanes, construction, gunfire, or any other profession that exposes you to high decibels, you are in a high risk group for auditory loss. Make sure you talk to your doctor or the professionals at a hearing center near you for the tips and tools you need to protect your ears. Once your ears have been damaged due to loud volume exposure, there is nothing that can be done to restore your natural hearing. Take care of your ears, as you only get the single pair.