Juvederm: A Balanced Look At the Wrinkle Treatment
Minimally invasive injections such as Juvederm can plump up the skin, making wrinkles simply disappear temporarily. Like anything, however, there are both pros and cons when it comes to its use.
Most people seeking a facelift or other dramatic solutions for wrinkles find out very quickly that there are better answers out there. For some problems,

nothing can match the power of a good facelift. For wrinkles and fine lines, however, a facelift may not even do what you think it will do. Minimally invasive injections, however, such as Juvederm, can plump up the skin in certain areas, making wrinkles simply disappear temporarily. It isn't the only injectable filler on the market, but many doctors see it as one of the best. Like anything, however, there are both pros and cons when it comes to its use. Here is a balanced look at the treatment.
Drawback: Contraindications
Juvederm isn't right for every patient. Those who suffer from certain types of allergies or who have dealt with anaphylaxis may not be good candidates for the drug. This is why it is essential that any patient be frank and up front about their medical history when they talk to their doctor. It is important to know whether or not you have this history of allergies, as the injectable can be dangerous for those who do.
Benefit: Long Lasting
Restylane and other injectables do a good job at filling in wrinkles when applied by a clinician who knows what they are doing. However, it's important to realize that these injections do not last forever. If you want to keep up appearances, you'll have to go back and get them done again and again. It only makes sense to find an injection that will last longer. Juvederm is that injectable, as it has been shown to last up to four or five months longer than many of the other leading drugs in this class.
Drawback: Limited Research
Because Juvederm is relatively new to the market, only so much research has been done as it pertains to long term effects. You can be certain that, as long as you are a good candidate and get the procedure done by an experienced clinician or doctor, that you will be safe in the short term. But whether or not there are long term health effects is something no one can know yet. Chances are slim that any such effects exist, but there is always that possibility. You do yourself a disservice not to be aware of all the risks when considering a medical procedure.
Benefit: Reduced Pain
One of the most exciting benefits of Juvederm is that it is thinner and flows a bit more smoothly than some of the other leading injectables. This means the patient feel less pain when being injected. Anyone who has gone the Restylane route in the past and wasn't comfortable may find that this offers them better results for much less discomfort.