Laser Hair Removal - 5 People Who Should Not Have It Done
There are at least five different types of people who should not have laser hair removal. The treatment is safe and effective for those who do not fall into these ineligible categories. Your dermatologist, not you, will make the final decision as to whether you are or are not one of them.
Do you lack confidence in your appearance because of excess,

unwanted hair? Worn out from waxing, shaving, applying messy creams and even plucking from sensitive body locations? If so, there's a safe, effective and affordable cosmetic treatment. It's called laser hair removal and can be done in your dermatologist's office even on your lunch hour. But beware! It isn't for every one.
If you are eligible, this treatment is non-invasive and generally lasts up to two years. I know you're wondering how this procedure is done and how you can find out if you are eligible? A high intensity pulsating light as well as radio frequency emissions are used to treat areas with excessive hair. That may sound like something from outer space, but I assure you, it's safe for even the most sensitive skin types. After the initial treatment visit, successive treatments will be administered over a period of about 2-3 months in order to inhibit new growth cycles.
But eligibility is the key when deciding if laser hair removal is right for you. Here are some people who should not have it done:
1. Pregnant women - Mommies-to-be are not good candidates due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, but definitely not because the treatment would harm her or her baby. The hormones would inhibit the effects of the treatment causing her body to produce additional hair follicles at this time. Also, due to these "extra" hormones, pregnant women are more susceptible to pain.
2. People with red, blonde or gray hair all over their body are ineligible. Laser hair removal is impossible for these color types because the treatment machine has difficulty seeing these colors. Until technology creates a machine with this capability, those hair color types will produce less than effective results if treated.
3. We all know insulin-dependent diabetics are prone to infections so these people are ineligible. This procedure is completely safe for non-diabetics but there is a risk of swelling or blisters which could cause infection. If you are an insulin-dependent diabetic, it's best not to take any chances.
4. Have you been exposed to the sun's rays in an unprotected manner in the past month? Be honest with your dermatologist if he asks you this question. It may seem silly to you, but here's the reason why. Melanin is placed underneath your skin's surface by the sun. Your specialist must know the extra melanin from tanning is there because he can't see it and a larger dose of treatment may be administered to you with possible burning as a result.
5. Got that cool tattoo last summer you can't wait to show off? Cosmetic or otherwise, the treatment will have an adverse reaction on tattooed skin areas.
If your confidence level needs a boost and your dermatologist agrees you are indeed eligible, expect to see fantastic results with laser hair removal. What have you got to lose except unwanted hair?