Liposuction: Concerns to Ask Your Doctor About Before Surgery
If you are unsure about whether to get liposuction, you can lessen your worries by talking to your surgeon. Find out what to learn before scheduling a visit.
It can be tempting to get liposuction if you are just not losing the fat you think you should be when dieting and exercising routinely. However,

there is no way for you to know for sure that this surgery will solve your problems. You may not like the result, in which case you have spent a lot of money and time for no reason. Despite the fact that most patients are generally happy with their results, it makes sense to find out a few details before making a commitment to this procedure.
The first thing to do is find patients who have had the procedure done already. You can look at pictures, but these will not show all the details, so it is best to get in touch with a patient in real life. If you know someone who has had liposuction, ask to see the treated area. Then ask yourself if you think this person looks good, and whether you think it is obvious that work has been done. If you like the person's new look and would not mind getting a similar result, you should look further into this surgery. If, however, you think it looks unnatural or not worth the money, consider other ways to remove fat from your body. If possible, try to talk to a former patient of the doctor you are considering so you know what kind of quality to expect.
Another fact to find out is in regards to scarring. Every patient will end up with a scar from liposuction since the doctor needs to cut into the skin to insert the tube to take out the fat. However, this surgery leaves small scars in comparison to most other procedures, so you will likely not have to deal with a long line across your whole body. In fact, good doctors can usually hide the scar in an area not visible most of the time, as long as it is close to the body part with excess fat to remove. In addition, the scar should start to fade after several months. Though the scar size and location are dependent on your surgeon, the amount that it fades over time is completely up to your body, as this depends on how healthy your skin is. If you have any concerns or want to find out how to reduce the risk of scarring, talk to your doctor before surgery.
If you are more worried about the recovery period than the scarring, ask your surgeon if there is a procedure that can be done that has a minimal healing period. Some doctors use newer technology to minimize the recovery period so you can get back to your normal life after liposuction. Let your physician know if this is your main priority.
Before you schedule your surgery or even select a surgeon, you should find out about these factors. This will ensure that you will not be disappointed with your liposuction results, as you should feel that the outcome is worth the money and recovery period.