Mental Health Services Give More Than Two Pills and a Call in the Morning
The treatment, care, and support available through mental health services extend far beyond the old medical refrain of "Take two pills and call me in the morning."
With all of the drug commercials for anti-depressants and the supplemental pills that may help them to be more effective,

the myriad forms of assistance provided though mental health services often seem lost in the prescription shuffle. Although medication can be a critical component of care, facilities and specialists in this area do more than prescribe, and treat more than just depression.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, better known as the DSM IV, is a thick volume covering an extensive range of psychological and psychiatric illnesses. Whether you are struggling with an anxiety disorder, a drug addiction, schizophrenia, or the inability to develop healthy behavioral tools for coping with the stressors of your life, the array of options for assistance is vast.
If you are battling dual diagnosis challenges, a center that offers a wide range of mental health services may be the best option for you and your loved ones. In addition to direct treatment for your physical addiction, you will be able to treat the psychological issues that led into and interacted with that addiction. You can be assessed and assisted for your care. Your family can also receive counseling and access to support services for them as they recover from and with you.
As with anyone who has been facing a domestic violence situation, from any position within that dynamic, you will need help with breaking free, breaking habits and creating a different way of life for yourself and those close to you. Erasing the tapes in your head that have kept you living in a loop of fear and anger, guilt and blame, requires support from people who can understand. You need people who can support without judgment. Therapists and support groups are available; you just have to know where to go and who to ask.
You don't have to have a traditional, classified psychiatric disorder or an emergent crisis situation to benefit from the encouragement and care that the specialists at a mental health services practice can provide. The men and women who aid those in distress from chemical imbalances are also well trained in assisting those whose old habits are unable to carry them through the fallout of problems that are often dismissed as ordinary or normal. Your challenges need not be dramatic to be legitimate.
In a world that often seems crazy in its own right, reaching out for professional help with daunting and exhausting states of being is among the most sane and rational choices you can make. Turn to those who have the experience and expertise to help you get better. You can live the life you dream of. Mental health services can help you to learn how to get there and how to enjoy it once you do.