Plastic Surgeon - Holding Back the Effects of Time
This decade a plastic surgeon will see an increase in the number of patients who are eager to have their outward appearance reflect their active lifestyle.
It is a fact that when compared to a half century ago,
the average person's life expectancy age has risen by several years. In addition to living longer, people are more health conscious: eating healthier food and being more aware of the benefits of exercise and abstaining from smoking, drug use and alcohol consumption. A plastic surgeon is often times asked to restore the youthful glow that a patient once took for granted, or at least to create a "refreshed" look to them.
A tummy tuck or liposuction to the waist, arms, back, thighs and hips can do away with the trouble areas that no amount of exercise will vanquish. A face and / or neck lift, in addition to eyelid surgery (removing excess skin) can shave a decade or more off of a person's estimated age by society. Of all the procedures a cosmetic surgeon can perform, these are a few of the ones most often requested:
-Breast augmentation (larger, smaller, lifted, rebalanced, fuller)
-Ear reshaping (peoples ears tend to grow larger as they age)
-Chin and cheek implants
-Fat transfer (removed from one part of the body and injected into another location)
-Thigh, hip, buttock lift
A plastic surgeon should be affiliated with the American Board of Plastic Surgeons, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and be Board certified with The Council of Plastic Surgeons. As a member of these associations an agreement has been established that the plastic surgeon will ONLY operate on a patient in an accredited medical facility. This also ensures that the surgeon will adhere to a strict code of ethics.
The plastic surgeon will explain the procedure(s) that the patient is considering having done, forewarn them of any risks involved, as well as inform them of the pre-operative preparation expected to be followed: several appointments to run a blood test, take measurements and photos, etc. The patient will also need to understand all that will be required of them in regard to post op and the restrictions that will need to be adhered to in order to heal properly and to see the best results from their surgery.
Plastic surgery can help a patient feel more confident, build self-respect and self-esteem and create a positive attitude. While there are risks involved with any surgery and insurance rarely covers the procedures or any complications associated with the surgery, the benefit of feeling confident and comfortable about how the world views them is considered priceless by most patients.