Reasons to Consider Breast Augmentation
There are many reasons why a woman considers cosmetic surgery. Here are three reasons why a woman might consider breast augmentation.
Sometimes a woman has characteristics about her body that she is forced to live with,

such as her height or shoe size. There are some characteristics she can change on a whim, like her hair length or color. There are even characteristics that can be changed via surgical procedures, such as the shape of her nose or the flatness of her stomach. Augmenting the breasts exists as one of these surgical procedures that can completely alter (or at least enhance or modify) how a woman looks and how she perceives herself.
Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that enlarges a woman's breasts. Changes can range from minor to major, that is, some implants are small while others are quite large. There are several reasons why she might consider such a procedure.
The primary reason why a woman might consider breast augmentation is dissatisfaction. When a woman is dissatisfied with the size and shape of her breasts, it can affect how she dresses and how she carries herself. Additionally, extreme dissatisfaction can extend to self esteem issues or worries about how others perceive her. These issues can lead to poor performance on the job or strains within interpersonal relationships.
Another reason why a woman might consider augmenting her breasts is health concerns. While small breasts are not typically sources of medical issues, many women lose their breasts to a mastectomy as a result of cancer. Once she heals from the Cancer, having her breasts reconstructed is an option that she may consider in an effort to regain what she lost in the process of treating the cancer. This surgery can give her a feminine profile again and help her clothes to fit better. All in all, this type of procedure offers her the chance to move on from the trial and embrace the rest of her life with confidence.
One final reason why a woman might consider this procedure is symmetry. Some women have irregular or asymmetrical breasts. This is actually the case for many, but the problem is more pronounced and therefore more obvious for some. Surgery can correct this asymmetry and can improve the overall look for the woman.
Women who are considering this procedure should be able to clearly define their reasons. All surgery is major surgery when it comes down to possible risks and complications. For this reason, a woman should not elect to have the surgery performed for unclear or undefined reasons. While the reasons do not necessarily need to be noble, having surgery performed as means of "keeping up with the Jones'" is not wise nor advised. During a pre-surgical consultation, the surgeon will counsel the patient as to whether or not she is a good candidate for the procedure. Having pre-defined reasons for the procedure shows the surgeon that much thought and preparation has gone into the decision and that it is not a hasty solution to the problem.