Take Your Child to a Pediatric Hearing Center
You should look for a pediatric hearing center if you have a child that you believe might be unable to hear. Going to a pediatric clinic or one that at least specializes in this area will be helpful in the diagnosing of your child.
When you begin to suspect that something might be wrong with your child,

it can be frightening. If you suspect that your child may be having a problem with being able to hear then it is very important to get this checked out by a professional at a hearing center. It might be wise for you to look for a pediatric one or one that specializes in dealing with children.
Before going to a hearing center, you might consider first speaking with your child's pediatrician. The problem could be due to an ear infection that has gotten serious or even allergies that are causing inflammation. Wax build-up could even be the problem, so before you panic and take your child to hearing center, have your child's ears checked carefully at the doctor's office.
You might not know how a specialist will even be able to figure out if your child has a problem. There are specific things they will do to test your child.
When dealing with a child, an audiologist will use ways of testing to keep a child's interest like using a picture of a stuffed animal that flashes along with beeping sounds. If the child looks at the animal that flashes when he or she hears the beep then his or her hearing may be fine. This will be done a few times so that the child will associate the beep with picture flashing. Once a child understands this, then the sound will get quieter to see if the child still looks at the picture. This will tell the audiologist if the child is able to hear the beep. There are more active games that might be played for older kids to test their ability to hear at different levels.
Accurate testing of your child is very important so that if an aid is needed then it will be at the right level for the child. Your child can be fit with an aid at any age. If you wonder if your baby is having trouble hearing, then there are specific specialists who check this. Your child may have been given a test at birth, but of course anyone's ability to hear can digress for various reasons, so even if your child had a test, you should still get it checked out if you suspect a problem.
As you look for a hearing center for you child, your first consideration should be that they are well-versed in working with children as young as yours. Someone not used to dealing with children could be impatient, and their impatience could cause your child to not give accurate results to the testing. The atmosphere of the office should also be kid-friendly, so that your child can be relaxed before being tested.
If you are fearful about their being a problem with your child, do not put off having someone look at your child's ears. Do not let fear get in your way.