What a Microtia Diagnosis Means
Microtia is something that can be treated. Consider your options once you have a diagnosis.
Microtia is a term that means "small ear." This external deformity to the ear occurs while the child is developing in the womb. The condition is not thought to be hereditary,

though the actual cause is not known. It is not necessarily a common condition but one child in every 6000 to 8000 will be born with the condition. In ten percent of all cases of this condition, the child will have the conditions present on both ears.
Why Is This Happening?
As mentioned, Microtia is not thought to be hereditary. In fact, the condition occurs so rarely that the chances of having two children with the same conditions are less than six percent. There are also no known links to medications or dietary causes for the condition. Even physical actions are unlikely to cause this to occur. It is understood that the condition develops in a child during the early stages of development.
Does Your Child Have the Condition?
Microtia is easy to diagnosis since the abnormality to the ear is easy to spot. However, in some cases, the child's hearing is also affected by the abnormality. It can take some time to determine if there is hearing loss as well as how much loss is present. This often cannot be determined until the child is three years of age. If there is hearing loss, reconstruction of the canal may help to improve it.
There are options for treating this condition even if it only affects the exterior portion of the ear. The underlying goal is often to create a natural-looking ear through reconstruction surgery. The procedure may use a synthetic material to create the framework of the ear. Then, the body's tissues are used to cover it. This is called MEDPOR Ear Reconstruction. Another option is to use rib cartilage. Here, the patient's rib cartilage is harvested and used to create the formation of the ear. Silicone prosthetics are a third option. It is attached to the body either surgically or through an adhesive product.
A diagnosis of this condition may seem far more worrisome than it is. There is no known cause for this condition but there are treatments that can create a very natural-looking ear in its place. Many people have no hearing loss or may receive treatment to improve their hearing as needed.
For those who suffer from Microtia, the good news is there are solutions that offer a tangible improvement to the condition. By working with a skilled surgeon, the newly reconstructed ear will look natural and will provide for significant improvement in the way the ear looks. This can help boost the self-confidence of any individual suffering from this condition.