Having problems falling asleep, staying asleep - or both? Insomnia leaves you feeling tired every morning and brings about a host of other issues from...
Having problems falling asleep, staying asleep - or both? Insomnia leaves you feeling tired every morning and brings about a host of other issues from the lack of proper sleep.
Millions of people suffer from insomnia in today's world and it is caused by various personal issues such as disease or stress, but also from circumstances such as too much light and noise.
Side Effects and Symptoms of Insomnia
Side effects and symptoms of insomnia can include:
According to one estimate insomnia costs over 15 billion dollars a year in health care costs! Another estimate totals 45 billion per year in accidents, sick days, property damage, and lost productivity. That's an awful lot of money for a few hours of sleep!
Ever nodded off at the wheel of a car, or seen someone nod off? I have. I'm sure that the above estimate includes car accidents that are caused by someone falling asleep at the wheel. Rest and driving go hand in hand.
We Depend on People to Get Sleep
So many people are in jobs that require attention and focus; paramedics, nurses, cab drivers, pilots...on and on the list goes. We depend on them to be alert, but if millions of people are being affected by insomnia then you can be sure that you are going to get a tired paramedic or cab driver once in a while. Scary right?
We also depend on ourselves to get us around for the day. We need to be sharp in order to be safe, productive, and accomplished throughout our days. Sleep is essential and insomnia needs to be treated in one way or the other.
Help To Sleep Better
1. Reduce Stress
Stress is the number one cause of insomnia. Stress can reduced in a number of ways - too much to write about in this article. In fact, there tons of books out there on stress and how to reduce it which may benefit you widely, so go out and start reducing!
My personal way to distress is through mediation, journaling, and being aware of my thoughts. Thoughts have a way of affecting your feelings and can cause stress on the body. If you can be aware of your thoughts and how they affect you then you can start to reduce your stress.
2. Find Balance in Life
When you start to focus too much on work and not enough on family, friends, and fun, you can start to lose the much needed balance that regulates our life, and that can lead to insomnia.
Life should be about work, fun, family, exercise, personal growth, and so much more - and if you can incorporate all of this into your daily routine then you will really feel balanced throughout your day. You will find that sleep comes easier because worry, stress, and self-fulfillment are more prominent.
3. Make Bed Time Consistent
When you go to bed at 1am one night and 8pm the next night you are not making it easy on your body to get into a good sleep routine. Some people can pull irregular bed time routines off and get a good night's sleep every night, but if you already suffering from insomnia then you will want to start to regulate your bed time to a specific time each night.
4. Block Out The Light
I have a street lamp outside my bedroom window so I personally know how important this one is! Waking up to a beam of light in your eyes will cause anyone to have a hard time getting back to sleep, and going to sleep in the light is not an easy task. Invest in some good shades for your window and cover all lights in your room (computers, TV's, alarm clocks etc) because those lights also affect your sleep. Your goal should be blackness.
Stop Working So Much!
The more you work, the less you will sleep. Work causes stress, concern, and worry - and if your main focus in life is work then you are probably stressed, concerned and worried before bed. "I didn't get everything I wanted to get done!" or "I have so much to do tomorrow!" can be thoughts that will keep you up at night and cause insomnia.
The more you work and the less sleep you get equals an unproductive you. You really will be more productive in your days, and therefore useful at work, if you cut down your hours and get more sleep. In the end it will be worth the results.
Do What You Love For Work
Cutting down hours at work is a definite start to helping you get rid of insomnia but if you hate your job then chances are you will go to bed worried and stressed no matter how many hours a day you work. Work is a huge part of our lives! You might as well spend that huge part of your life doing something that you love to do!
If you hate your job then you have to find a way to do something you love instead. Go to school, learn a new skill, take a chance, and do what you love.
Don't Overeat Before Bed
Your body has enough to do at night and if you add digesting a big or greasy meal to the list then it may cause you to toss and turn all night.
Don't Exercise Hard-Core Before Bed
Exercise gives you energy. The harder your routine at the gym, the more energy you will have afterwards. In other words, if you doing over an hour of intense aerobic activity before bed then that may cause insomnia to appear.
That said - going for a daily stroll after supper can be a great way to boost your metabolism and help digest the food you ate, so just remember to keep the exercise light before bed.
Relax Your Body
There are many different ways to do this. Relaxing your body will help relieve the tension and allow you to have a more restful and easy sleep.
I personally use a technique that I learned in a fibromyalgia class many years ago. The premise is to relax each part of your body one by one. I do mean every part! Start at your toes and relax them. Make them feel comfortable in whatever way it takes to do so. Then move on to your feet and relax them. Then your ankles, then calves, and so on and so forth. Once you get to your head your body will be very relaxed.
Remember that relaxed doesn't mean you have to lay in a certain way. Whatever way feels best to you is how you should relax your body.
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