Your G-Spot- Mythical or Real?
Information about the g-spot including what it is and where it is and how a simple g- shot can stimulate it.
We do a lot to make our love lives romantic. Not to sound too much like Deana Carter's country music hit,

"Did I Shave My Legs for This?" but when a woman shaves her legs it isn't in anticipation of watching the football game and being remembered only when he needs someone to grab him another cold one.
But romance can be hard to squeeze into a day that is filled to the brim with responsibilities at work, followed by more responsibilities at home. It can be hard to feel sexy when you're up to your ears in doing laundry, dishes and washing the car. And there is nothing sexy about mommy duty and diaper changes which can define who you are to yourself at least. Sometimes you have to put more effort than just shaving your legs into feeling sexy and take that extra step to make your sex life a priority.
Some of that help can come from finding your erogenous zone including the g-spot. The female g-spot is considered a female erogenous zone and is thought to stimulate a woman sexually and to increase her orgasm as well as cause a female ejaculation. Some scientist and even some women doubt the existence of this mythical spot based on the fact that some women don't seem to be able to locate it and some doctors believe it is just an extension of the clitoris. But ultrasounds have found evidence that the zone exists and women who have found their zone know it does exist.
This very real spot also known as the Gräfenberg spot has been studied since the 1940's as a source of controversy over its existence still continues today despite evidence that proves it is there. The Gräfenberg spot is credited with intense female orgasms when stimulated. But the trick appears to be stimulating this small bean shaped spot located one to three inches inside a woman's vaginal wall which can be hard for some women to find.
But just because something is hard to find doesn't mean it's not there to be found. Some women have found that a shot known as the g-shot will help stimulate this g-spot and increase not only their sexual drive but the degree of orgasm they experience as well. Known as the G-spot amplification shot this simple, non-surgical procedure injects hyaluronan a naturally occurring chemical in the body into a woman's body and increases her sex drive for up to four months.
This shot is also successful at stimulating the G-spot and increasing the intensity of a woman's orgasm. And the g-shot has proven successful in the majority of female patients who underwent a pilot program testing the shot when it came out in 2002 and the majority (82%) reported an increase in their sex drive and sexual pleasure after receiving the shot. The success of the g-shot may be enough to change Deana Carter's lament about shaving her legs into a more song more akin to Deana Carter's "You Still Shake Me."