5 Simple Tips for DIY Crown Moulding Installation
Home remodeling and repair doesn't have to be a chore. It can be about creating the perfect space for your home and family.
Crown moulding offers a simple way to add a lot of value to your home and make it look beautiful without spending a ton of money or having a lot of experience dealing in remodeling. Here are five tips to bear mind if you've decided to do some crown moulding installation around your house.
1. Know Your Moulding Types
There are a lot of different types to choose from when you are installing crown moulding and each one has its own advantages and disadvantages. Wood moulding,

for instance, looks amazing but can cost quite a bit. MDF on the other hand is less expensive but can warp when exposed to humidity in the bathroom. It all depends on your budget and the nature of your project.
2. Set a Clear Budget and Timeframe
Moulding is the kind of job that can really get out of hand if you put it off. So make sure to set a clear budget and a clear timeframe. Say to yourself "I'll finish it under this amount of money by this time" and stick to that goal. Don't cut yourself too much slack, just get it done or you can wind up with permanently incomplete crown moulding.
3. Cut First and Always Check the Fit
Before you go attaching anything to the wall it's a good idea to have all of your pieces cut. You don't want to have a piece up on the wall and have another piece not fit it. Make absolutely sure that all of the pieces fit before you start attaching anything to the wall. If you have mismatched pieces, it can be nearly impossible to get them to fit again when you are installing crown moulding.
4. Or... Consider Using Corner Blocks
Some crown mouldings will offer pre-made corner blocks. These are already cut at a 90 degree angle for you so that you don't have to sit there playing with it and sawing and sanding to get it to fit. You just take it out and put it where it goes and you're all done.
5. Ask a Handy Friend for Help
Crown moulding installation is not the toughest job in the world, but having a friend to help is pretty vital. Without a second set of hands, it's easy to wind up with uneven crown moulding which just looks plain ugly if you're not going for that crazy haunted house vibe.
Remember to have fun with it. Home remodeling shouldn't be a chore, it should be about creating the exact house you have always wanted.