You may have never thought about using a storage unit, but you may have a reason to rent one eventually. Consider some of the typical reasons for this option.
Despite the number of people who regularly rely on storage facilities to keep their belongings,

some people have never considered it. If you have a house with space to store items in the garage, attic, or an extra room, this option may never cross your mind. However, there are some reasons to consider it, no matter your situation.
If you have a home that seems to comfortably fit your family and all of your belongings, using storage space outside of your property may not be an appealing option. However, things can change quickly, reducing the extra room in your home to barely anything. For example, many families are comfortable with the size of their property, until they unexpectedly have another child. This usually requires a lot more items, and baby things tend to take up a lot of room.
You may also need another bedroom, which can be inconvenient if you have been using any extra bedrooms to store your things. If, on the other hand, you are not of childbearing age, you may still get a surprise when a parent or other relative needs to live with you for a while, possibly due to illness or hard financial times. The bottom line is that when you need to clear out a bedroom, using a storage facility to put some of your belongings may be your best option.
It is possible that you will go on a cleaning spree at some point in an effort to get rid of clutter. You may decide to remove the things that you do not use, but do not yet want to sell. For example, if you have lots of baby or child items, and are not sure if you will have another baby at some point, you can put them all in storage for now until you decide. If you later want to sell the stuff, you can retrieve it easily and then have a garage sale or offer the things to families in need.
Sometimes you have to move unexpectedly from your old house before a new residence is ready. Perhaps your landlord is suddenly selling the house, too soon for you to find another place to live. Maybe you have been trying to sell your house and suddenly get an offer, but the buyer wants it before you are fully ready to move. In these cases, you can usually stay with family or in a hotel for weeks or months, but there is the issue of where to put all of your furniture and other large items that you cannot fit into your temporary place. If this is the case, a storage facility is the perfect solution, and tends to be a better move than having to settle for a house that you don't really want, simply to have a place to store your stuff.
Clearly, renting a unit can be beneficial for many people. If you ever find yourself in need of this option, it is time to start comparing the businesses near you, as most cities have a lot to choose from.