Air Conditioning Repair - What to Check First
There are times when air conditioning repair is necessary. You may need a professional to come out and assess the situation. But, if you have a few tips handy, there are also times when a service call can be avoided.
There are times when air conditioning repair can't be avoided. The system is down and you need a professional to come out and assess the situation. But,

if you have a few tips handy, there are also times when a service call can be avoided altogether. If you've ever taken your computer into a professional to have it fixed, only to be told that there's a problem with your power outlet, then you're already familiar with the concept. Sometimes, the biggest problems require the simplest solutions. Before you pay for a professional to come out to your house, make sure you've covered the basics.
Check the Thermostat
So simple, yet you might be surprised how many customers have a brain lapse and forget to make sure that the thermostat is set to the "cool" setting. This is especially true for homeowners who never change that setting. They even aren't used to checking it. When the system starts blowing out hot air, they aren't even sure where to begin. But, this turns out to be the problem a significant amount of the time. Before you call the air conditioning repair specialists, make sure that you check the thermostat and ensure that it is in the right position.
Check Your Circuit Breakers
Air conditioning repair is seldom as simple as making sure the condenser is getting power, but it does happen from time to time. If you aren't getting a response from your system, head outside, and see if the condenser is running. If it isn't, take a stroll to your breaker box and make sure all of the relevant switches are turned to the "on" position. If they aren't, switch them back, and your condenser should roar to life. If this becomes a problem that you're dealing with all the time, you might consider making sure that you don't have too many electrical appliances drawing on your home's energy at once.
One of the most common air conditioning repair problems homeowners face is the issue of obstructions blocking the condenser and causing it to be unable to work properly. Make sure this isn't the case at your house. The condenser needs to have open space to allow it to draw air from the atmosphere. When you carefully hide it with bushes and shrubbery, you are disabling it and causing it to work harder than it needs to. It also creates the problem of letting leaves, sticks, and other forms of natural debris get into the fan system and stop it from working properly. Clear out the area and give your system a fighting chance.