Sump Pumps for Your Home
Summary: If you own a home and have a basement, you should own one of the sump pumps that are available. It could save you a lot of grief.
Sump pumps are available for a very special purpose. They are important if you own a basement and have the possibility of having flooding. Many things can cause flooding,

so if there is any way that your home could flood then it would be wise to purchase a pump. Sump pumps are designed to turn on when the area they are in begins to fill with water.
In the spring the snow will melt, causing a great deal of water to be in the ground. If your basement is not sealed well, than that water can run right in. This is especially common in older homes. Just general flooding from major storms can also cause flooding that having a pump would help. Natural issues are not the only problems that can occur. Drain clogs can actually cause water to accumulate, and in this case a pump would be helpful as well.
If you are concerned about the price of sump pumps, they are really not overly expensive. At a major department store, you can find them in a range of just under $190 to just under $284. Some will go over this amount, and if you search on the internet and shop around more, you should be able to find some for even less than these prices. You may want to look at reviews of the various types to make sure that the one you get works well even if it does not cost much.
There are 3 main types of sump pumps. There is the submersive, the pedestal, and the floor sucker pump. The submersive type has a hidden motor and it is installed below. This is a good kind for a basement that is finished and also good if children will be around it. It can last 25-30 years. The pedestal type has a motor that is exposed. This type does not last as long, possibly between 5 and 15 years. A floor sucker pump is a less expensive form that is fairly portable. It is often used in crawl spaces and places like this. This pump will not automatically turn on until there is 1/8 inch of water on the floor.
Having a back-up system is a good idea if you live in an area that often loses power during a major storm. You would not want to lose power and have your pump no longer work without back-up.
Something else to consider as you look for a pump for your home is energy efficiency. They do make them energy efficient now, and even though they will not run a great deal and use a lot of electricity, it is a good idea to go energy efficient whenever you can.
After considering the wide range of sump pumps available, perhaps you will see that there is probably one that is suitable for what you need for your home. You might want to go to a home store or department store and talk to them about your specific situation. They should be able to tell you what would work the best for you. Then you can price products at these places and compare the products to those you find on the internet or other stores. You might find it easier to go through a company that will install it for you even if it costs a little more.