Auto Accident Attorney - 4 Myths About Insurance Companies
An auto accident attorney must fight off many misunderstandings that clients have about their insurance companies. It's important for drivers to remember that they have more power during negotiations than they might be led to believe.
Sometimes an auto accident attorney will have his work cut out for him if his client has fallen prey to one of the many car insurance-related myths floating around. Many drivers involved in a collision won't even bother hiring a lawyer because they figure the battle is already lost. This is what the insurance company is counting on in most cases. They want you to take their first offer and walk away so they can close the case and move on. Before throwing in the towel,

consider the following myths about insurance companies.
1. They Have the Power
It is true that insurance companies retain highly skilled lawyers that the average driver would not be able to afford. That doesn't mean, however, that they have the clear advantage and the first settlement offer should be taken. The person with the most power is the one who is in the right. If you are rightly owed compensation, have sufficient evidence to back up your claims, and have hired an auto accident attorney to represent you the odds are stacked in your favor. People win claims and even court cases against insurance companies all the time. Don't give up before you even begin.
2. Fair First Offer
Following a collision many people, even if not seriously injured, are shell shocked. They can't think or focus properly, sometimes even for several days or weeks after the event. They are likely grateful for any settlement and compensation just to end the trauma and move on with their lives. The problem is that an insurance company is run like any other business. They want to maximize profits while minimizing their loss. In all likelihood, they are not offering you a fair deal, especially when you may have future medical bills to worry about. Never agree to a settlement without first having an auto accident attorney negotiating on your behalf.
3. Partial Fault
Many insurance companies will try to lay some blame on all parties involved, regardless of the specifics of the incidence. They do so by assigning a small percentage of fault that will therefore lower their obligations to the individual. While this can be considered legal, it greatly depends on the circumstances. As always, most insurance companies will hedge their bets and give drivers an unreasonably high percentage of fault. Even if you admit a portion of guilt, a lawyer is in a better position to determine exactly how much as defined by local laws to ensure you are compensated fairly.
4. I Owe Them
As an insured driver, you are paying for a service. You owe the insurance company and agents nothing, not even cooperation. You don't have to answer their questions and you definitely don't need to submit to a recorded interview. They are trained to pressure you into submission for their own benefit. Let your auto accident attorney represent you and don't bend to their harassment. Give them the bare bones retelling of the incident, but never offer a personal opinion or admit guilt in any way.