A truck accident attorney deals with cases involving victims from several different kinds of truck accidents. Some of the most common accident causes are driver fatigue, failure to follow the trucking rules of the road, substance abuse, and improper maintenance or loading.
Accidents involving tractor trailers account for nearly 98% of fatal accidents recorded annually. As you can imagine,

a truck accident attorney is kept very busy acquiring compensation for those individuals who have suffered serious injury or the death of a loved one through an unfortunate trucking accident. In response, federal and state authorities have developed regulations designed to decrease the number of fatalities instigated by these common accident causes:
Accidents Caused by Driver Fatigue
As the leading cause in trucking accident fatalities, driver fatigue is taken very seriously. Each driver is allowed no more than eleven consecutive driving hours or fourteen consecutive on-duty hours before he's required to be off-duty for at least ten hours. Unfortunately, the thought of getting home sooner or the incentives offered to those who deliver inventory faster often causes the driver to attempt to drive "just a little further" before he rests. Still others use their off-duty time as a free time for fun rather than a time for necessary rest and recuperation.
Accidents Caused by Failure to Follow the Rules of the Road
As many as 25% of fatal trucking accidents are caused by reckless drivers who speed or otherwise ignore the trucking laws of the road. Since trucks of this size take longer to stop and are particularly vulnerable to adverse weather conditions, it's imperative that drivers adhere to the rules of the road. In many cases a truck accident attorney can check for reckless driving through the truck's onboard electronic control module (or ECM) which records the vehicle's speed, sudden brake application, and other operational data.
Reckless driving includes road rage caused by the actions of other drivers, family problems, or a host of other reasons. Some drivers become reckless when using their cell phones to talk or text family or friends and still others begin driving erratically because of substance abuse.
Accidents Caused by Substance Abuse
Unfortunately, trucking accidents have been caused by truckers who were driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. For this reason, federal and state laws require trucking employers to regularly screen all of their drivers for substance abuse.
Accidents Caused by Improperly Inspected, Maintained, or Loaded Trucks
Granted, some accidents caused by tire blowouts or jackknifing are unavoidable. If a truck runs over an unseen sharp object that punctures his tire, or jackknifes as a result of hitting an icy patch on the road, he can hardly be held responsible for the accident.
However, as a truck accident attorney will testify, some of these accidents are caused by negligence to properly maintain vehicles. Tractor trailers which are loaded improperly or with too much inventory are hard to handle, especially in inclement weather or on steep mountain roads. And if the vehicles tires exhibit severely worn tread, a blowout is bound to occur. Since these incidents are caused by company negligence, the company should take the blame.
If you've been involved in any accident involving a tractor trailer, contact a truck accident attorney today to find out if you're entitled to compensation for emotional or physical injury.