Truck Accident Attorney: The Three Essential Components of a Case
Any truck accident attorney will tell you that you are making a mistake if you hire a lawyer who does not have specific semi-tractor-trailer experience. However, there are some similarities that every personal injury case will share.
Any truck accident attorney will tell you that you are making a mistake if you hire a personal injury lawyer who doesn't have specific semi-tractor-trailer experience. Why? Because the complexities of such a case can often be drastically different than cases in other spectrums of the field. Yes,

any and all personal injury cases will have their own, unique qualities. But this is even more of a reason to seek out a lawyer who has experience in your particular type of case. The more experience they have, the less time they will need to get caught up to speed. For all the differences, however, there are some similarities that every personal injury case will share. Here are the three essential components of a case.
Who is financially responsible for the outcome of the crash? This is one of the first determinations a truck accident attorney needs to make when meeting with a new client. What you have to understand is that a semi truck bears additional weight of responsibility in a crash. Because these behemoths are so dangerous (due to their overwhelming size and weight), federal and state regulations are tightly monitored. The drivers must be held to a higher standard in order to make their assimilation into traffic work. This is why the liability bar is often somewhat lower in cases involving these trucks.
Who caused the crash? Every crash is unique and there is often no easy way to point the finger and say, "This is why it happened," with any degree of confidence. Yes, there may be an overriding reason, but there are often quite a few little reasons that dovetail into the explanation. For instance, the "reason" for the crash may be that the driver ran a red light. But the victim may have been speeding. The semi driver may have been working overtime beyond regulations. Drugs may be involved. Alcohol may be involved. Only a thorough investigation can piece together all of parts of the puzzle.
This is why a truck accident attorney has a job. The liable party may be held financially responsible for the monetary damages resulting from the crash. In hard terms, these include medical bills, lost wages, and more. If a death resulted from the crash, severe pain and suffering damages may be attached to the settlement. The days of outrageous punitive damages are mostly over, but if a trucking company is found to be grossly negligent, settlements and judgments can be substantial.