3 Ways to Convince the Man in Your Life That Men Need Skin Care, Too

Jan 29


Amitava Sarkar

Amitava Sarkar

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You couldn’t imagine going to bed without doing your skin care routine first: exfoliate, cleanse, tone and moisturize the delicate skin on your face.


How do you get your skin so soft and smooth,3 Ways to Convince the Man in Your Life That Men Need Skin Care, Too Articles so even in tone and free of wrinkles? The men in your life may wonder if you have a magic wand, but you and every other lady in your life know that regular skin care is a must to get your skin looking healthy and youthful. But a lot of men are simply embarrassed at the idea of properly cleansing and moisturizing their faces. They may be waiting for women like you to step up and show them why it's worth putting in the extra effort. Sometimes it takes a little arm-twisting to get a man to start a skin care routine. But if you convince him that it's simple and worth the few extra seconds it’ll add to his daily routine, he’ll soon be using cleanser, rejuvenator and moisturizer with the best of them. Don’t make a big deal out of it. Just find the right line of products – one that’s not harsh and laden with parabens – and buy your husband, dad, brother or son something that will make his skin glow. Healthy skin is less likely to look cracked, wrinkled and covered in acne, and there’s nothing particularly feminine about that, it’s simply healthy-looking skin. Simplify If the men in your life can’t handle all of those little bottles that make up your skin care routine, start by buying them a facial cleanser and a moisturizer. If he shaves, make sure he has shave soap or serum, too. Buy them for him from a place that offers products formulized for men in attractive, masculine bottles. Stick them on his bathroom counter. He may be more likely to use them if he doesn’t have to be caught in public shopping for them. Once he gets to see how great his skin feels with this simple two- or three-step process, you can add in other skin care products like anti-aging cream, rejuvenators, and aftershave. He’ll soon get into the groove of a routine, but it’s essential you don’t scare him off by giving him too many bottles to begin with. Focus on Dryness A lot of men focus on the here and now, so worrying about future wrinkles is not going to convince them to start taking better care of their skin. So ask him if he’d like relief from something that does bother him right now, like dry, scaly, itchy red skin. This is especially a problem in winter months, but it can be a problem year-round, especially if your man spends a lot of time outdoors in the sun. Start with moisturizer specially formulated for the face – one that’s not too greasy, so it won’t cause breakouts – and he’ll soon be asking you where he can get more of the stuff that led to such relief. Start With Body and Hair Care If you’re not getting through to your guy about taking care of his face, if he’s ignoring the bottles you’ve put on the sink, start him off in a territory with which he’s entirely familiar: body soap and shampoo. Swap whatever you have in the shower with a high-end but not too expensive brand of soap and shampoo that can be paired with the same brand of facial care products. Chances are, your man will notice an improvement and may be more open to trying the facial care, too. Men’s skin should be soft, supple and beautiful, too. It not only improves their appearance, but it improves the health of their skin. It doesn’t matter if the men in your life are clean-shaven or have a beard. The skin on a guy’s face deserves the soft touch of a spa and your lips.

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