A Common Business Card
Business cards are widely used by many companies and individual. Business cards are usually shared to other peoples.Usually, cards were printed on white stock and the text is in black color. But now the trend is changing many professional cards have one or more feature of striking visual pattern.Business cards are usually printed on card stock.
Business cards are widely used by many companies and individual. Business cards are usually shared to other peoples during official or informal introduction as a memory assist. The format of business card includes the individual name,
company name whom he or she is affiliated, his or her designation, and company logo, contract information like telephone number, mobile number, street address, fax number, website and email address. Usually, cards were printed on white stock and the text is in black color. But now the trend is changing many professional cards have one or more feature of striking visual pattern.Business cards are usually printed on card stock. You can give the visual affect by your own choice. The costs of business cards are depending on their size, quality, and visualization.
There are different business cards designs available in the market. You can choose by your self. The common weight of business card is usually 45 kg and thickness is about 12 pt. if you are looking for high quality business cards without the full color photographs they are usually printed on offset printing presses. The business card is a most important part of your personal identity.Now there are many inspiring designs for business cards are available. You can choose them as u desired. Some companies use their spot colors as a trademark on the business cards. Like Los Angeles Lakers used purple color as their trademark on business cards. The addition of spot colors are depends on the need of business cards. With the introduction of digital printing and batch printing now print business cards in full color is cost effective.
The UV glossy coat can also be coated to business cards. The UV glossy coat is applied like other inks; it gives very good look to your business card. You can also apply the UV glossy coated like spot coating. You can add UV glossy coating on some areas and left the other area uncoated. This is very beautiful design. The dimensions of business cards vary from country to country. The standard size is different in many countries. The standard dimensions of business cards in United States and Canada is 88.9 * 50.8 mm. the standard dimensions of business cards in Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, Taiwan and Denmark is 90 * 55 mm. the Standard dimension of business cards in Japan is 91 * 55mm. You can choose your business card dimension according to your country’s standard size.
There are much software available which contains different designs, layout tools, and text editing tools for designing your business cards. You can print your business cards from printing presses. Business cards printing were expensive but now it is cheap because there is lot of printing presses available which are giving you very cheap rates and also you can design your card online by taking help of many websites.Many printing presses also offers the services of web- to -print in which you choose your card online and they will deliver you to your home or business addresses.