Bio silver gel is beneficial

Dec 15


Jenny Jonson

Jenny Jonson

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With the rate at which pollution is increasing, we find a number of harmful chemicals which exist in water and air today. One couldn’t find these harmful chemicals a couple of years back and this ensured that people live a healthy life.


But in recent times,Bio silver gel is beneficial  Articles almost every other person is affected by flu, small pox etc. Most of the diseases are contracted through hand contact itself. Our immune system has weakened, is being overtaxed as it tries o combat the germs and is over exposed to stress and toxins of all types.

History shows that silver has been generously used to eliminate harmful bacteria from the body and as a natural disinfectant too. Keeping this in mind an MLM company, QNET has introduces a unique product known as Qnet bio silver in the market.

Bio silver has this unique technology which helps your skin and at the same time sanitizes and cleanses your body and hand too. It gently takes care of your skin and ensures that you can conveniently and adequately cleanse yourself and continue with your daily chores without worrying about catching contagious diseases.

Bio silver gel makes use of the unique silver sol technology. It has been scientifically proven that this technology has antibacterial properties.  The silver oxide in this gel with its antibacterial formula neutralizes the bacterial cell membrane and this technology resonates at 890-910terahertz. This is the resonance used in labs with antibacterial properties through ultraviolent light.

There are a number of benefits of the bio silver gel. A couple of them are that it has antibacterial properties, it effectively cleanses the skin, it has no preservatives or alcohol included, it does not hydrate the skin, it is non greasy, odorless and clear, it has the unique technology of silver sol etc. With these benefits one is bound to get nothing but the best results after usage of this product. However bio silver is meant for external use only. It can also effectively be used for sanitation purposes and to cleanse things. It is definitely a unique and useful product designed by QNET and all those who make use of it are bound to benefit from it.