Companies, organizations or individual entities use promotional mugs as gifts or promotional items for a number of reasons. These are either for name recall or for "promotion" or dissemination of information about a company, brand or product line.
There are different ways, such as above the line and below the line, and forms, such as TV, radio and the Internet, of promotions. The use of promotional mugs are part of the below the line promotional campaign.
Mugs, most used promotional items
promotional mugs as an additional freebie. Their usual lucky recipients are the company employees, employees of sister companies, and company clients or patrons. This is why you can easily spot a promotional mug in an office environment more than in a household. Though its usual market is the office environment, it is also fast becoming a common household item. Mug prices can range from US$ 2 to US$ 3 without any special coating so it is very cheap. Companies simply have to contract a company to provide the necessary coating or effects to promote the company, a brand or a product line.
Mugs -- Common personal items in office settings
Employees need coffee or water for the rest of the eight hours of work and a mug is a common employee personal item. If you will visit any office pantry in any company floor, you can take note of the overhead cabinets filled with personal mugs of the employees. Chances are, more than half of these personal mugs are promotional mugs that they have won in company contests or acquired for free from the company itself. Since it is a below the line type of promotion, people are pretty much unaware that promotion is taking place. It tends to help maintain loyalty to the company without the knowledge of the employee.
Mugs, Useful and lasts longer
Compare the promotional mugs to other freebies such as pen or pencil and these freebies will not last as long. Compared to an umbrella or bag, these items are not regularly used to be much of a promotional item. Lastly, compared to a letter opener or paperweight, these items will just get lost under the pile of office documents. In the end, the promotional mug will be the most successful item as compared to all these gift items. Hence, it is also the preferred choice of most companies as a promotional item.
Mugs are expected to stay as the preferred choice for a promotional item for along time. Today, companies are looking for trendy designs to maintain the patronage of clients through the use of promotional mugs.
Promotional Pens - Adds Value To Your Existing Product
Promotional pens are very effective marketing tools. They add value to your existing products and services. Whether you have launched a new product or services or your brand is yet to get the required recognition, you can offer them to your customers as incentives to make your brand name a house hold name.Promotional Pens Are Like Mobile Miniature Billboards
Promotional pens are very effective marketing tools and help you achieve your target in time. They are like mobile miniature billboards. They attract the attention of the customers instantaneously and create a desire in them for buying your products and services. They also offer more advantages than all other mediums of advertisements.Promotional Pens Are Effective For Direct Marketing
Promotional items like calendars, DVDs, pens, pencils, keyrings or even stress balls help your prospective and current clients to remember your name and hopefully your uniqueness. It is an ideal marketing strategy that works with even small businesses with low marketing budgets. Pocket calendars are another affordable promotional item that you can give out early in the fourth quarter of the current year. However, promotional pens are considered the most effective advertising items.