Business cards are actually cost effective so even if you are on a tight budget, you can afford to make these cards.
What marketing tool should you use to promote your growing business? Your first answer would probably by social media or email. That’s understandable considering that we are in the digital age today. Everywhere you look you will see the influence of technology. But this doesn’t mean that you should completely ignore traditional marketing. The good old traditional tools are still as effective today as they were in the past.
One great traditional tool you should never go without today is business cards. Business cards are actually cost effective so even if you are on a tight budget, you can afford to create these cards. Basically, business cards serve as your introduction to your target customers. When you first see a prospective customer, you are actually presented with an opportunity to tell about yourself and your business to him or her. You do all this through writing. It’s like making an impression and expressing yourself in writing.
It is important that you put enough attention in designing your cards. Keep in mind that you want to draw in people to your business and not bore them or keep them away. Aside from putting your complete and updated contact details in your cards, you need to make sure that your cards are easy to read.
Likewise, don’t cram too many details in your cards. There is simply not enough room in your cards to include all information. You need to pick only the important details to put in your cards and leave other information in your other marketing materials. If you can tell people how long you have been in business, the better. This will help customers know that they are dealing with an established and credible business.
With the many business cards you have received, what have you noticed in these cards? Most of them don’t say a lot right? Usually, they are a waste of space as not everything is presented effectively in the card. Make sure that you don’t make the same mistake with your cards. Plan how you want to design your templates and make sure that only the important details are in your cards. Remember your cards are your representation, so you need to make sure they represent you well.
You can always consider putting your photo in your cards to help people recognize you easily. This is actually a unique way to design your cards. Just make sure that you have your photo professionally taken so people will be impressed with your card and remember you easily.
After designing yournd having them printed your task now is to get your cards delivered to the right people. If you don’t want to waste your investment and have your cards collecting dust in the box, you need to device a way to get them in the hands of the right people. Aside from handing them out personally to your prospects, you can leave them in the following places:
1. In restaurants
2. On public bulletin boards
3. In public libraries
4. In shopping cards in grocery stores
5. In your doctor’s or dentist’s office
6. In just about anyplace where people are likely to see your card
Make it your goal to give out at least fifty to one hundred cards per week. If you can do this, you can be sure to see improvement in your business.
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