Enhancing the Effectiveness of Your Lead Generation Advertisements

Jan 2


Bob Leduc

Bob Leduc

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The first paragraph of an article is a brief summary of its content, which should not exceed 550 characters. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to improve the response rate of your lead generation advertisements. It discusses the importance of simplicity, the two-step selling process, and the key elements of an effective lead generation ad.

The Power of Simplicity in Advertising

Yesterday,Enhancing the Effectiveness of Your Lead Generation Advertisements Articles I received two postcards in my mailbox. The first one was filled with tiny, hard-to-read text, which led me to discard it immediately. The second postcard, however, was different. It contained only 48 words, including a website address at the bottom. It announced a new book on a business topic I am interested in, with a portion of a chapter available for free on the website. Intrigued, I visited the website, read the excerpt, and ended up ordering the book.

The sender of the second postcard employed a classic two-step selling process:

  • Generate leads - in this case, driving traffic to her website.
  • Provide the requested information - in this case, the information was available on the website.

This two-step process has proven to be as effective in digital marketing as it has been in traditional marketing for many years.

Why Opt for a Two-Step Process?

Generating leads is often easier than selling products or services. You don't need to convince anyone to part with their money. Therefore, you can use simple and cost-effective advertising methods to generate leads. You can also compile a list of potential customers who may not purchase immediately but could be interested in the future.

Pro Tip: Always aim to collect contact information from your prospects. This allows for future communication. Implement an automatic follow-up procedure to periodically reach out to previous prospects who didn't make a purchase. This single procedure can boost your new customer acquisition by 50% or more.

Crafting an Effective Lead Generation Ad

The goal of a lead generation ad is to generate a high volume of inquiries. You're not selling your product or service (yet). You're selling the reader on the idea of responding to your ad. The most effective message for generating the maximum number of responses includes only three elements:

  • Highlight the most significant benefit of your product or service.
  • Provide a compelling reason for readers to request more information immediately.
  • Offer a simple and convenient way to respond.

Keep your message concise. Shorter ads often yield more responses than their longer counterparts. For instance, one of the most responsive ads I ever created contained only 14 words. The online version read:

"Discover How To Build ANY Small Business FAST! Offer ends soon. Free information. mailto:address@domain.com"

The offline version of this ad also included a phone number and postal address, giving prospects three ways to request more information. I used it for classified ads in magazines and printed it on postcards, which I mailed to targeted lists. Every version of the ad generated a significant number of responses.

Many prospects responded out of curiosity, which was fine. I knew they were part of my target market and had a compelling need for what I was offering. I ensured this by circulating the ad where it would only be seen by prospects in my target market.

Follow this model the next time you create a lead generation ad. Place your ad where a large number of prospects in your target market will see it. You'll be surprised by the number of leads it generates from genuinely interested prospects.