Ideally, when you meet a potential client or customer, you strike a conversation first before giving out your business cards.
Ideally, when you meet a potential client or customer, you strike a conversation first before giving out your business card. It is only when you are about to end your conversation that you swipe out your card and give it to your contact hoping that he will keep it and call you as soon as possible.
But did you know that you can use business cards in other activities aside from giving it out to prospects? You can use them to actually create a prospect. This can be done by creating cards that has impact and can effectively gather contacts for you. This is actually referred to as networking.
Networking with business card is really not something new. It has been used by many business owners for years now and has proven to be an effective marketing strategy. These cards are designed not to create immediate response but to create impact to a prospect so he in turn can give your card to others who he thinks will be interested in what you have to offer. This way, even if you card was not able to generate a call, it has been handed out to someone who can use your contact details when the time comes that they need your products or services.
Networking is actually a cost effective strategy that is easy to carry out. There’s not need to exert too much effort to generate customer leads. There are simple and easy steps you can. Here’s how:
• Use your existing customers. Consider giving them two of your cards and ask them to give it out to someone they know what needs your product or service. Just tell them to put their name at the back of the card so they can get an incentive when the person he referred visits your store.
• You can consider leaving your cards in restaurants. You can leave it together with your tip or at the reception area. Just ask permission from the owner to have your card displayed at their reception area. This will help you showcase your business in places where most of your target customers hang out.
• Consider including your card in your correspondence. When sending out letters, bill payments, or brochures, don’t forget to insert your card. With your card in your letters or invoices, you are giving your prospect an easy way to contact you at once. Make sure though that when you are mailing your card and not handing it out you write a note at the back of you templates. You can write personal messages intended to the receiver of the letter. With a note, you are telling your prospect to call you at once and see what you have to offer them.
• You can also leave your card in public places such as public bulletin boards, libraries, bus stops, and other places where your target customers are. Anyone who is interested in your offering has to simply take one of your cards.
When someone finally contacts you, be sure to respond to their inquiry or question at once. Even if the person may not be interested in your offering but simply calling to ask questions, you can still turn that inquiry into a sale if you know the trick. Keep in mind that when networking with your cards, you have to be prepared on everything that can happen.
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