Nike donates lakefront mile-markers
Mayhap since Nike employees who run or bike along the lakefront were disgusted, Chicagoans at last have proper mile-marker marks along the lakefront w...
Mayhap since Nike employees who run or bike along the lakefront were disgusted,

Chicagoans at last have proper mile-marker marks along the lakefront way -- accomplished with the company's swoosh ltrademarkFor decennaries Nike Air Max 2010 we have been carrying on on missing, unconformable, difficult to read or inexact marks along the 18-mile extend of lakefront.But people at Nike have partnered with the Chicago Park dominion to renovate parts of the way and stock some plans that affirm runners, including the past facility of thirty-six recently mile and half-mile marker marks.As a incentive, the green and beige marks are yet exact. The dynamic Transportation confederation assisted the park dominion remeasure the lengths to meditate sections of the way that have constituted reconstructed and rerouted over the past times, stated parks spokeswoman Marta Juaniza.The marks, which cost $10,000, were not a peak anteriority for the park zone, and it did not possess the additional cash. But Nike's $100,000 donation to resurface and meliorate the whole lakefront path enclosed revenue for the mile markers.Nike's presence also may be picked up in less obvious ways, including fresh artificial-turf gymnastic fields and basketball courtyards and sponsorship of diverse scheduling. The partnership "admits us to creatively stock designs without practising taxpayer dollars," Juaniza said.Critics might object to the organized sponsorship of the path. But some tell that if Nike is ponying up sponsorship bucks to continue the track smooth, OK, Just Do It.