If post cards are not yet part on your marketing strategy, then it’s time to consider adding them right away.
Think of all the ways you can market a business today. There’s the pricey TV ads, the billboards, and of course, the prominent strategy today which is digital marketing. This can include smart phones and social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. There is, however, a marketing strategy that proves to be effective yet have long been ignored by many business owners. This is the postcards. Though old fashioned, this strategy prove to be among the most effective in terms of reaching customers quickly and easily.
Modern technology has made post card creation much easier these days. There are practically a lot of ways you can create your cards, and then explore ways that you send them as quickly and cheaply as possible. Because post cards are not as costly as they look, they are likely to give more return to you. Just about any business can benefit from these cards.
If post cards are not yet part of your marketing strategy, then it’s time to consider adding them right away. When mailed out to prospects, these cards have a good advantage over a conventional sales letter. No envelope is required so you message gets to your prospects as quickly and easily as possible. They are also fairly economical to produce, allowing you to send as many as you want to your prospects and existing customers.
Keep in mind though that repetition is important in a post card campaign. You need to keep your business on top your customer’s mind as often as you can. Even if your prospects or customers are not interested in your offerings today, they might be interested in them someday, and if your business is constantly in front of your prospects, they are likely to remember you the moment they need your products or services.
Here are some rules you need to know in setting up your post card campaign:
• You need to leave a blank space at the bottom of each side of your card as this is where the bar code of the card is printed.
• It’s important to remember that you should place no other address below the mailing address as the post office often scans cards from bottom to top. If there are other addresses written below, it will assume that the one written below is the address of the recipient.
• It’s best to leave the lower right hand corner of the card for the mailing address or left blank.
If you are ready to integrate post cards in your marketing campaign, here are ways to do that:
1. Include them in your direct mail campaign. Keeping in contact with your customers through postcards is an effective way of keeping in touch with them. You can use the cards to follow up with your prospects and customers and motivate them to try out your offerings. Because they are cheap to create and distribute, you can send them as often as you want.
2. As thank you cards. If you want an easy and low cost way to say thank you, then use post cards. They are one of the most effective in sending gratitude and appreciation. You can even create custom designs to show your customers how much you value them. This is a great way to ensure that your customers will remember you.
3. Use for follow-ups. If you keep sending your cards to your prospects, you can eventually encourage them to get interested in your offering. Whenever they need your products or services, they will instantly think of you.
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