All the diversity of advertising texts can be divided into four main groups: informational, reminding, urging and persuading.Informational texts should be simple and brief. Reminding texts are succinct. Urging texts should repeat the name of the product many times. Persuading texts emotionally concentrate the reader’s attention on the advantages of the product. The key elements of all the advertisements.
Everything counts in advertising: design, words, tone, - nothing can be skipped. Every detail is important and contributes to success of the overall copy. No component can be singled out as the most significant. However, as advertising text starts with the headline, and it serves as attention-grabber we will dwell on the features that make good ad’s headings.
The headline is a sort of a wire that helps the readers understand if the rest of the text is worth reading or not. On the average five times more people read only the headers not the full text. Once you have created your heading – it means – you have spent eighty cents of your dollar. If the heading does not motivate to buy, you wasted 80%of your client’s money. The greatest sin is to produce a text without a headline. Changing the head of your advertising text can make your sales boost tenfold. The headline is the basis of your advertising text. Use it to attract the attention of the target audience. Every heading should appeal and reflect the interest of the reader. Try to include news in your headers. The two most powerful words you can use are “free” and “new “. You can hardly use the word “free” too often, but if you try you will always manage to apply the word “ new”.Other words that work wonders are : now, suddenly, here, improvement, sensational, wonderful, revolutionary, magic, advice, fast, easy, true, compare, discounts, hurry, challenge, the only chance. Do not turn your back on these trivial patterns. You may get sick and tired of them. They may sound aggressive and banal like “Order your custom research paper here and now!” But they do work. Casting a glance at your ad, customers should from the first sight recognize and understand the brand name advertised. Include your promise stimulating to buy the product into the heading.
The customers are sure to read the main text if the headline provokes their curiosity. So you should wrap up your heading with some tempting offer that will urge the reader to proceed. Some advertising agents compose complicated headlines with puns, literary hints and other ambiguities. It is waste of space. Your headline is to convey what you have to say and convey clearly. Do not play with the audience silly games. It is risky to use negatives in the headline. If for example you write something like: “Not plagiarized self reflective essays”, many perspective client will miss the negation and they will think your essay are plagiarized. Avoid blind, general clichés that mean nothing unless the main text is read. The more types of font you use, the fewer people will read your ad. Leo Burnett once remarked,"If you don't get noticed, you don't have anything. You just have to be noticed, but the art is in getting noticed naturally, without screaming or without tricks". (Found at It holds true for general strategy of developing the headlines.
Train your Memory
Memory is a very important tool that needs to be cherished. When in the middle of an intellectual task your mind suddenly goes blank, that is a signal to take some action. This article provides you with necessary information on how to train your memory.Power of The Word
Words possess magic power over us. Words of order, words of a sentence, words you use in your essay. They make all the difference in our life. That is why we should devote enough attention to the words we say to each other. Being polite, saying compliments to surrounding people gives fruit in the form of constructive and pleasant interaction with others.Follow Your Calling
All people are born with a definite purpose, a definite mission to fulfill on the Earth. We are to follow our calling, but very often people face the problem of not knowing what they want to do or of being afraid of following their calling, due to some reasons. Why does this happen? And what should we think of when making crucial decisions in our life?