The Secret to Printing Cheaper Catalogs
What are the secrets to be able to print cheaper catalogs
Do you want to know the secret to cheap catalog printing? Well,

it can be done really with just four basic steps. That is right! Affordable catalog printing can be achieved in four steps.
In this article, I will teach you how to reduce your expenses step by step. Do not worry, anybody can follow these instructions easily. Let us start with the printing materials.
1. Know thy printing materials – The cost is largely dependent on the printing materials that you chose. For example, thicker paper, glossy coatings as well as the full color printing inks can increase or decrease your printing quotation by as much as 30 to 40 percent. That is why you have to choose wisely. Know the materials that are good and that are affordable.
I find it best to use thick paper for the cover, and then for the inner pages you should use regular printing paper that is thinner. If you do not need glossy coatings, you can opt not to use it as well. As for color inks, you may want to still use full color if you have lots of images in your design. Otherwise, if you just have one or two images, you may opt to go black and white with the printing, or just use spot colors for certain areas. By using these options you should save a lot of printing costs.
2. Downsizing your catalogs- Another simple technique that professionals use is to just downsize the dimensions a bit. Just a reduction of 2-4 inches in your overall dimension can reduce your printing size quite significantly. From the 12 inch by 12-inch catalog, you might want to opt to go for 8.5 inch by 5.5-inch catalog. The smaller one might mean lesser space and smaller content, but you will save lots of money by doing this. So if you are serious about this, try downsizing your color catalogs just a notch.
3. Doing the designs yourself – Some professionals also actually do their catalog design themselves. They do not hire professional artists and photographers since this adds an added extra cost for developing designs. If you are serious in being cheap, you might also want to do your designs yourself to save on money. Just use free tools like GIMP, OpenOffice and the myriad of free images and text that you can download from the Internet.
4. Choosing the right printer – Of course, in the end, the real cost comes down to the printer. To avail of cheap catalog printing, you should choose the right printer with affordable printing rates. The best and cheapest printers are typically found online. These online catalog printing companies can easily be found and compared with each other. Just choose the one the best suits your budget and printing style. You are bound to see one with just the right price for you.
Therefore, those are the secrets to printing cheap color catalogs. It is very simple right? Almost anyone can do that kind of catalog printing. Good Luck!