Are you one of those people who hate gossip? Maybe this article will change the way you look at the world of gossip, news and rumors, especially in the business field.
Just all this speaking, the news and the capillary diffusion of these phenomenon are really useful for the traditional marketing strategies, just like for the non conventional marketing strategies. All this happens just like a virus that quickly spreads from one person to another, inside a office or a small country. So by word of mouth it becomes very interesting, even who doesn’t care a lot about gossip, but who can exploit it too, in order to convey everybody your business activities and benefit from an increased popularity.
In fact this is exactly what it takes to activate viral marketing operations, where it is possible to put and spread your own enterprise news as if they would be real rumors, but in a positive and sharp way that could arouse people's curiosity and especially their will to talk and discuss with other people about it. All this allows an enterprise growing, becoming well known widespread and in-depth and using a completely natural form: by word of mouth.
Practically you just have to think about gossip as it would be a virus that helps your marketing strategies.
Another option that the virus can offer is fear, just speaking about a virus makes people think about something biological or some dangerous software for their PC. Even this fear has to be exploited by the marketer, this way news can spread everywhere and they get to be talked about as much as possible. This happens just thanks to the fear generated in the society, which will spread the news as for a self-defense instinct.
Obviously the best solution is to find the exact mix between these two main characteristics, the one of gossip seen just as a rumor, and the one of a virus that warts and all frightens people.
For instance, writing a good news in viral marketing terms means closely stick to some specific layout and content characteristics, able, as first thing, to impress the reader and so facilitate the recall of the news and the following redistribution, both oral and written.
In these terms, put a hot shot or the picture of a VIP in the right sphere and from this create somehow the news, will make you get a huge feedback in terms of popularity, not just among the readers or the possible internet users, but also from the other media which are always looking for a scoop or for something new.
The most difficult problem to overcome? Never lose your reliability.
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