Yellow Pages: So Much More Then Just Telephone Numbers
Finally, plans for a vacation with the family, but where to go? How much will it cost to fly? How expensive is a hotel these days? Any idea how much… the list of questions can go on and on. Where do you find a good travel agent? Can travel plans be made while on a budget? The Yellow Pages can help answer all of those questions and much more.
People are trying to save money everywhere and any way they can these days. A vacation can be planned from beginning to end,

including help select a location, book a hotel and work up a budget, all the way through to scheduling a limo to take the family to the airport via the assistance of the Yellow Pages. Once thought of as an oversized paper “phone book” used at Grandma’s house to boost up the little kids on their chairs at the dining room table, the Yellow Pages are today much more than that; they are now available on the Internet and mobile phones, in addition to that old standby, the phone book.
Whether seeking a travel agent or scouting out a city, the Yellow Pages can guide a customer through each step of their vacation plans, from planning the destination to actual lift off. Online allows for a search of any city or state, and will break down points of interest such as restaurants, events, tourist sites and highlights of that city. Once the destination is settled on, the search for hotels, amusement parks, museums and other points of interest can begin. The “most popular” rating system can assist on the choice for an entertaining outing for the family.
If a passport is needed for the trip, type “passport” into the Search bar and locations to acquire one will be listed, simply click on the site and note the hours of operation, time required for processing and fees involved. If air travel is required to reach the locale, type in which airport will be most convenient for departure, then select an airlines or a travel site for competitive rates: both can be found in the Yellow Pages. The same is true for hotels, car rental, theme parks, an historical landmark and so on. The site will provide the telephone number and address of most businesses; driving instructions can be found, as well. Nearly every aspect of the vacation can be planned via the Yellow Pages site.
Many businesses choose to offer coupons or discounts for specific dates or events through the Pages site and telephone book. All types of businesses, large and small, understand the necessity and benefit of advertising on a site that provides such a vast quantity of information as this one. A targeted search will locate nearly every type of business, based on locale and category, as well as “most popular” for that particular group. Online, most businesses will provide a link from their ad directly to their company Home Page, which will then guide the customer through the site and answer all of their questions, schedule bookings or travel plans and reservations, whatever is required to fulfill the customers need.