You Need Certain Items To Appeal To The Demographic That You Are After
If you are not very clear who you are aiming your marketing toward then it could fail miserably. You will end up spending your money and using up your time on a fruitless project.
If you are not very clear who you are aiming your marketing toward then it could fail miserably. You will end up spending your money and using up your time on a fruitless project. It is better to know your target demographic. Who will be most likely to use or be attracted to what it is that you have to offer.
Some stores are pretty clear on who they need to attract,
others are not so sure. Just think it through and it should be obvious who needs your products. There are very few grandmothers that are in need of surfboard wax, maybe a couple in the world, but you will do better aiming for those that are in the new surfing set. Young teens would be my guess. Even though there are some older surfers, If they are still surfing after years on the board, they probably already have contacts for supplies.
Once you know and understand your demographic you will be able to then figure out what your goals are with them. You want this bunch of people. Do you want them to just come into your store or only hear your name? There are many levels of marketing and you don't want to try to dig too deep in the beginning. You need to work on pulling them toward your business first.
So now lets look at promotional items, which of course are one of the most important parts of an advertising campaign. If you were a Chiropractor you would probably want to choose promotional pedometers to help not only encourage good health and exercise, but also to reach those in that 30-50 year age range, who are becoming more aware of the need to get fit and stay fit and healthy. Now, although this is a great promotional item to give out if you want to promote fitness, do you think that this same promotional item will be received the same way by a gift shop owner and her older women? Probably not, but maybe some custom logo imprinted coffee mugs or tea cups might be a better choice as a promotional giveaway to that group of customers.
The thing that you must understand is that no matter what your promotion is all about you must first figure out your target demographic in order to make that promotion as successful as it can be.