3 Questions You Should Ask Before Getting a Sterling Silver Picture Frame
If you're shopping for a sterling silver picture frame, find out the three questions you need to ask beforehand so you'll be sure to get exactly what you want.
Before buying a sterling silver picture frame there are three questions you need to ask yourself. Answering these three simple questions will help you be able to choose the sterling silver frame that's right for you.Question #1: Is this Silver Frame Really Sterling Silver?Surprisingly enough,

many people see an expensive shiny looking silver frame and automatically assume it’s made of silver. That’s because most people don’t know the difference between sterling silver, silver plate and silver colored metals.Very few silver items are made of 99.9% pure silver because the metal is too soft to make functional objects. Any valuable silver item or keepsake is almost always made of sterling silver. Don’t know the difference between these metals?
- Sterling silver is 92.5% silver (by weight) and 7.5% from other metals like copper to give it strength.
- Silver plated frames are made of a thin layer of silver electroplated to another metal surface
- Silver looking frames are usually made of aluminum or steel
Now that you know the difference between these metals, don’t assume a shiny item is made of sterling silver. Look for a sterling silver stamp to confirm it's sterling silver, but be aware that some frames may have the sterling stamp covered up by the frame backing and won’t be visible. So, if you’re not sure always ask a reputable frame retailer to be sure.Question #2: Does the Sterling Silver Picture Frame Have a Tarnish Resistant Coating?Sterling silver naturally tarnishes. Whenever you shop for sterling silver picture frames, you need to know beforehand if it's going to need polishing. Most new sterling silver picture frames have a tarnish resistant coating to protect them. Unless you like the tedious task of polishing silver, be sure your sterling silver frame is tarnish resistant. You won’t be able to tell by looking at it, so if it doesn’t say it is tarnish resistant in its description, check with your quality frame retailer for confirmation. It's highly recommended that you only buy sterling silver picture frames that have a lacquered or tarnish resistant coating.Question #3: What Picture Frame Size Do You Want?Sterling silver frames are available in various sizes. The reason this question is so important is because there is a big price difference between a 4x6 sterling silver frame and an 8x10 sterling silver frame. The difference can amount to hundreds of dollars.If you're buying sterling silver frames online or through international sources, make sure that your frame comes in a standard photo size and is measured in inches. Most other countries measure in centimeters instead of inches and have different picture size formats. Be sure you know the picture frame size you want and you will be able to select a sterling silver picture frame that fits your picture, your style and your budget.Keeping these three questions in mind when you select a sterling silver picture frame will help you choose a picture frame you will treasure for years and want to hand down from generation to generation.