5 Simple Methods You Can Use To Help Attract Any Woman You Want
In this article I'm going to show you exactly the same methods most natural seducers are using right now to meet and attract women every day of the week. If you're in need of a little help when it comes to the ladies, then this will give you that kick start.
When was the last time you entered a club or trendy bar only to find an incredibly sexy woman standing there only to work out that you don’t have the guts to go up to her? It’s a sad story the majority of guys know only too well.
Here’s the issue though,

those men who are too frightened to talk to that stunning girl, all suffer with the same problems. Approach anxiety, low self esteem, bad body language, not knowing what to say, the list goes on and on. However if they just knew what to tweak with their personality, they would be able to get any girl they wanted that night, including the one that gets all the attention.
Today, I will be showing you some proven strategies that will help you to walk up to and attract absolutely any woman you like. These exact methods are being used right now by guys in the know all around the world, to pickup beautiful girls.
It’s all in the eyes - Never stare at a girl and not expect her to be creeped out by you. Always use your eyes to your advantage, by smiling and maintaining soft eye contact.
Known in the pickup world as kinoing, you should always try to touch a girl for a maximum of 3 seconds in certain areas, like the shoulders, arms and even the stomach. This helps build strong rapport.
No questioning
Girls hate being integrated so make sure you make statements on her appearance or personality traits and never ask her boring interview type questions, like most guys do.
Get close
If you work on closing the gap between you both when in a bar or club, you will feel a very strong sexual energy that she will love. This takes things to a whole new level and she won’t be able to keep her hands off you.
Take a moment and pause
When you’re talking to the girl, you must pause between every few words whilst maintaining eye contact. Doing this will create incredible sexual tension that most women crave.
That’s all. If you master just a few of these methods, then you’re going to be ahead of 99% of the guys out there, also they won’t understand what’s going on.