Be Careful What You Wish For In Your Bathroom
Rummaging through the scrap yard Alex became disheartened, he was sure he could get something for his fiancée’s birthday in the piles of junk sprawled out before him.
The challenge was to find something that could be passed off as new. Throwing another soiled garment into the distance something glinted in the sunlight from the same direction he had thrown the garment. Carefully sifting through the rubbish he smiled cheekily as he uncovered an old-fashioned style bath with pewter feet and taps. Dirty but in immaculate condition he shouted over his pal Leon for help.
Hoisting the tub into his bathroom Leon couldn’t believe his friend’s find “Why on earth would someone throw something this beautiful away”? “I have no idea” replied Alex “but I’ll be getting lots of credit for it” he said cheekily winking at his friend.
After cleaning the tub thoroughly from top to bottom he decided that it wouldn’t hurt to try it out for himself. Filling it nearly to the brim with water he stripped and climbed into the welcoming heat of the water. Nodding off he dreamed of Arabian times and jumping over roof tops bearing a scimitar while being chased by a Djinn.
Waking with a start he thought of how strange the scenario of his dream was. Deciding he had soaked enough he tried to rise up to vacate from the tub but found he couldn’t move. Panicking for a second he took hold of the situation and realised that his big toe was lodged in the tap. No longer admiring its beautiful finish he started to worry as the water was becoming cold and he was now getting goose-pimples.
“Oh how I wish I was somewhere else right now” he said in a coarse and nervous-filled voice. “Your wish is my only will” said a voice. Everything seemed to blur for a second and when Alex reclaimed his bearings he realised he was in the middle of a busy precinct with many people starting at him. Unsure of how this happened he retreated as far as he could into the now murky looking water of the tub. “I wish I was back at home”. “Your wish is my only will” boomed the same voice from before.
Looking around he realised he was back in the safety of his bathroom. Strange dream he thought but then his hands grasped something in the tub. Pulling out the item he realised it was a vegetable,

in fact there were quite a few vegetables in there with him. Realising it hadn’t been a dream as the people had proceeded to throw vegetables and fruit at him thinking he was some kind of pervert his face lit up with wile.
Realising he could use this tub to get what he wanted he decided to keep it for himself and get his fiancée a gift that worth as much as she was. After having always tried to impress her family with gifts he had always got nowhere as they were stinking rich but now that could all change.
Dressing and climbing into the empty tub he said in a confident voice “I wish I was in a vault of a bank right now”. “Your wish is my only will”.